Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

IV-20: Salary Schedules

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: IV–20
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date: 10/09/2018

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Subject: Salary Schedules


The Board recognizes that in order to attract and retain the best-qualified individuals to manage the educational process and deliver quality educational services there must be a fair compensation plan including adequate base salary, increments for experience and increasing education and salary incentives. It is the Board's intent to review all compensation plans annually with representatives of the district's several categories of professional staff employees.


  1. In addition to any master agreement, the Board will also enter into an annual contract with each certification employee.
  2. The contract will describe the general services to be rendered by the employee and general terms of employment, including the contract starting date, number of contract days, the level and step attained by the employee, the annual contract amount, and the monthly gross amount to be paid.
  3. Contract forms and contents will meet the requirements of state regulations.
  4. Employees assigned to perform supplementary duties for which additional compensation is paid on an annual or seasonal basis will be issued supplemental contracts, which set forth duties and compensation.
  5. Once adopted by the Board, the salary schedule shall be regarded as policy.
  6. In order to receive salary adjustments on the salary schedule for additional credits earned, the teacher must present to the Assistant Administrator/Personnel, evidence that additional units have been completed by August 15 for a salary adjustment for that school year.
  7. Accredited university/college credits and/or credits approved by the State Board of Education shall be approved for lane changes, but only after the employee has been awarded a college degree AND teacher certification. Employees should only submit credits completed since the most recent lane assignment or lane change.
  8. Credit for a maximum of five years experience shall be provided for service outside of the North Sanpete School District.
  9. When a prospective employee is being recruited and it is in the best interest of the district in the judgment of the Superintendent and/or the Board of Education, the five years credit limitation for salary placement on the salary schedule may be waived.
  10. All new employees must provide the assistant administrator of personnel verification of all work outside of the North Sanpete School District if credit for such service is to be provided on the salary schedule. This shall be done prior to the first pay day.

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