Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

School Library Program

Click the links below to access the contents of all our school libraries, searchable by school. 

Library Book Challenge Published Record

Library Collection Policy F-30 (9/22) with Reconsideration Form

Literature Selection and Review F-31 (9/22)

North Sanpete School District Sensitive Materials Review form

As referenced by the Utah State Board of Education, the school library is central to the fulfillment of the instructional goals and objectives of the school and promotes this through a planned program of acquisition and organization of information technology and dissemination of materials to expand the learning environment of all students. Grounded in standards and best practice, school libraries are an integral component of the educational landscape.

The Utah Standards for Library Media were created by librarians in schools to support the following objectives. The responsibility for achieving the purpose of the School Library Media Standards resides in the collaborative efforts of the school library media teacher staff, classroom teacher, student, support staff, administrators, board of education, and communities.

The Library Media Standards are divided into three main areas:

  1. Reading Engagement
    Reading engagement is a foundational skill for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. The degree to which students can read and understand text in all formats and all contexts is a key indicator of success in school and in life. The goal is to actively promote reading and provide equitable access to literary and informational texts in a variety of subjects, genres, and formats. The standards facilitate the acquisition of tools, knowledge and skills to allow every student to read for interpretation and the development of new understandings.
  2. Information and Research 
    Through engagement in the research process, students will apply critical thinking skills (e.g., analysis, evaluation, organization, synthesis) to draw conclusions and construct new understandings. Additionally, students will engage in research processes (e.g., inquiry-based, information problem solving). Such experiences will develop student self-confidence in solving problems in an environment where information resources and technologies are increasingly complex.
  3. Media Literacy 
    Media literacy is the competent application of literacy skills to media and technology messages. Its goal is to help students develop the habits of inquiry and skills of expression that they need to be critical thinkers, effective communicators, and active, digital citizens in today's world. By learning the standards and objectives, students will acquire an understanding of the elements, construction, and potential impact of media messages while learning to make informed choices in the use of media. Through collaboration with classroom teachers, these standards can be integrated into curricular units throughout a wide range of subjects to ensure students are equipped with these essential 21st century skills.

The Utah Standards for Elementary Library Media were updated in September 2015.

Elementary Library Media Standards Scope and Sequence

Utah Core Standards K-5 Library Media

Utah Core Standards 6-12 Library Media

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