Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

Welcome to North Sanpete School District Career and Technical Education! CTE provides all students access to high-quality, rigorous career-focused programs that result in attainment of credentials with labor market value.

CTE provides courses and Pathways consistent with industry standards. Exploratory courses begin in the seventh grade, and subsequent courses teach students specific job readiness and job skills, which can lead to employment and postsecondary education.

Career Clusters:

Utah Career Pathways align with and are categorized by the national Career Clusters®. Each Career Pathway culminates in an industry recognized credential of value.

  • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
  • Architecture and Construction
  • Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communications
  • Business, Finance and Marketing
  • Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Education and Training
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Health Science
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Human Services
  • Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Role of Secondary CTE:

  • Introduce students to career options.
  • Assist in development of career goals.
  • Provide technical skills.
  • Provide occupation-specific skills.
  • Prepare students for further education and training.


College and Career Awareness:

Utah’s College and Career Awareness program provides junior high students with the direction, decision making, and planning needed in order to select their career path.

  • Self-knowledge
  • Education and occupation exploration
  • Career planning


Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance Program:

Utah’s Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance Program assists students and their parents in the development of a College and Career Ready Plan. The program enables students to:

  • Explore career possibilities.
  • Expand their opportunities and set personal education and career goals.


Skill Certificate Program:

CTE provides skill certificates in courses and programs in grades 9-12. The Skill Certificate exams verify skill attainment and, where available, industry exams are offered. This accountability system assures that all courses and programs in the state are consistently teaching to the standards established by experts in that occupational area.


Work-Based Learning:

Utah’s Work-Based Learning program narrows the gap between theory and practice. Students have opportunities to see how classroom instruction connects to the world of work and future career opportunities through these activities.

  • Apprenticeships
  • Career Fairs
  • Field Studies
  • Guest Speakers
  • Job Shadows
  • Student Internships

  • What is CTE?

    What is CTE?

    CTE provides all students access to high-quality, rigorous career-focused programs that result in attainment of credentials with labor market value. The structured training each student receives gives him or her the tools needed to be successful in a career after high school and/or further his or her postsecondary education, whether technical school, two-year college, or four-year college. Each student is encouraged to explore various CTE Career Pathways and to develop the essential skills to feel competent in entering today's competitive job market.

    About CTE-USBE
  • CTE Facts

    Did You Know?

    Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides all students access to high-quality, rigorous career focused programs that result in attainment of credential with labor market value?

    Career and Technical Education encompasses a variety of programs structured to equip students for college and career readiness. In Utah, 177,959 students participate in CTE courses that help the explore career options and develop occupational skills. The curriculum of CTE gives students the practical experience they need to succeed through a combination of classroom instruction, hands-on laboratory work, and on-the-job training.

    CTE courses and programs are delivered through 170 public middle/junior high schools, 154 public high schools and charter schools, and seven CTE centers. Most Utah colleges and universities offer postsecondary CTE programs.

    Career and Technical Education jump-starts students’ careers by preparing them for postsecondary education and training for high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand occupations while they are still in high school. By following a CTE Career Pathway, students become college and career ready. Career Pathways give students many kinds of opportunities to acquire job skills and to get a head start in selected college programs. In Utah, all graduating students have taken a CTE course in high school. In 2018, 69.4 percent of Utah high school graduates attended college within one year of graduating from high school (Utah System of Higher Education, High School Feedback Report, High School Graduating Class of 2018).

    Preparing students for a meaningful career is an important goal of Career and Technical Education because of the widening skills gap in the nation’s workforce.

    Career and Technical Education prepares students for tomorrow’s workplace. Career and Technical Education educators work closely with the Department of Workforce Services (DWS) and Utah employers to make sure students have the skills the labor market demands.

  • CTE Pathways

    CTE Pathways, within thirteen Career Clusters, are rigourous programs of study to assure strong academic and technical preparation providing students with critical learning and hands-on skills. Students who focus on a Pathway acquire the skills necessary for entry into well-paid careers with high potential for rapid financial growth, increased levels of responsibility, and a high degree of personal satisfaction.

    Utah Career Pathways align with and are categorized by the national Career Clusters®. Each Career Pathway culminates in an industry recognized credential of value. 

    Pathways will lead a student from secondary education program to a certificated program at Snow College or other higher education institutions in Utah.

    Pathway flier 24-25
  • CTSO

    Student leadership organizations are recognized as integral to the Career and Technical Education program. Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) provide a unique program of career and leadership development, motivation and recognition of students enrolled in career and technical programs.

    The following CTSOs are available at North Sanpete School District:






  • CTE Annual notification

Central Region Pathway Coordinator Dustin Shakespear  (435) 201-6121

Central Region Pathway Coordinator

Dustin Shakespear

(435) 201-6121

CTE Director Mark Anderson  (435) 835-2261

CTE Director

Mark Anderson

(435) 835-2261

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