(see options below)
- School Employee / City Use
- Complete the facility use request form and permit.
- District employees may use the facility where they work without charge for one-time non-profit events, but must remain present the entire time to supervise the event, ensure clean-up and secure the building.
- For City use deposit is not needed, but city agrees to pay for any damages, custodial and technician as needed.
- NSSD employees using any NSSD facility for non-NSSD use must complete an NSSD Employee Compliance Form.
- Get the Facility Rental Cleaning Checklist & return to principal when finished.
- Civic Center Use
- Complete the facility use request form and permit.
- Events including district students, but not NSSD sponsored, must complete the non-school-sponsored form,
- Or all adults working with students must pass a background check.
- Issue & review the Facility Rental Cleaning Checklist.
- Issue key & explain facility use. (Also compliance form for NSSD Employee)
- Collect Deposit & Custodial Fee.
- Return key & completed checklist within 2 business days of completion.
- Non-Profit Use
- Complete the facility use request form and permit.
- Issue & review the Facility Rental Cleaning Checklist
- Sign the Indemnification Agreement.
- Indemnity Agreement & proof of insurance must be renewed every August for the coming school year.
- Events including district students, but not NSSD sponsored, must complete the non-school-sponsored form.
- Issue key & explain facility use. (Also compliance form for NSSD Employee)
- Collect Deposit & Custodial Fee.
- Return key & completed checklist within 2 business days of completion.
- For Profit Use
- Complete the facility use request form and permit.
- Issue & review the Facility Rental Cleaning Checklist.
- Sign the Indemnification Agreement.
- Indemnity Agreement & proof of insurance must be renewed every August for the coming school year.
- Events including district students, but not NSSD sponsored, must complete the non-school-sponsored form.
- Issue key & explain facility use. (Also compliance form for NSSD Employee)
- Collect Rental Fee, Deposit & Custodial Fee.
- Return key & completed checklist within 2 business days of completion.