Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients



Technology use is a valuable and necessary component of student learning, employee work and school/District communication. The District encourages employees and students to use technology and the Internet for educational purposes. The District has access to the Internet that is governed and supported by the Utah Education Network (UEN). Students and District employees shall use the District-issued technology and/or Internet primarily to support student learning and instruction and for communication among employees and between employees and parents. Incidental employee and student use of District-issued technology and the Internet circumstances must not interfere with the education of students and shall always be consistent with the District Internet Acceptable Use Policy.


The information maintained on District technology devices or accounts is the District’s property. The District reserves the right to monitor the information contained on District computers or accounts. Any use inconsistent with educational purposes shall be grounds for terminating the account, confiscating the information saved in the account, employee discipline, student discipline and/or limiting the employee’s or student’s use of District computer equipment and Internet access. For more detailed information, please review our Employee and Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy, Poliocy D-66,E-30

Our Technology Team

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