Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

IV-19: Substitute Teachers / Employees

North Sanpete School District
Statement of ............. 

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: IV-19
Effective Date: 02/10/1998
Revised Date: 02/18/2020

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Subject: Substitute Teachers / Employees


When substitute teachers/employees are needed, the best qualified person for the specific assignment will be employed.


  • The personnel director shall annually develop a list of names of approved substitute teachers/employees. This list shall be distributed to each principal the beginning and middle of each school year.
  • Upon need for a substitute, the employee will find the substitute for personal days, coordinated with their principal or designee. The principal or designee shall make the arrangement for a substitute on sick days.
  • It is expected that the substitute teacher will conduct the lesson as outlined by the regular teacher, and he/she will also assume the supervision duties of the regular teacher.
  • The regular teacher shall have available, for the substitute teacher, reasonable lesson plans and information about the class organization.
  • At the conclusion of the day, the substitute teacher should provide a written summary of the day's activities for the regular teacher. If the substitute teaches for more than one day, the summary should include the period of time that the substitute teaches.
  • The substitute pay shall be established by the Board of Education.
  • Substitutes will be considered long-term when they have filled in for the same, contracted employee for six or more consecutive weeks. Long-term substitute pay for teachers will be set by the district. In the case of a long-term substitute filling in for a classified employee, the substitute's hourly pay will be the first step on the classified employee's lane on the salary schedule. The rate for a long-term substitute will be paid retroactively, with the difference made-up for the first six weeks in the pay period the sixth week is worked.

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