Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VII-04: Community Involvement in Decision Making

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: VII-4
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Community Involvement in Decision Making


The Board of Education recognizes that the public has vast resources of training and experience useful to schools. The strength of the local school district is in large measure determined by the degree to which these resources are capped in an advisory way and to the degree that these resources are involved in supporting the improvement of the local educational program.


The Board shall encourage the involvement of citizens both as individuals and as groups to act as advisers and resource people in the following manner:

  1. In the development of board policy statements for the guidance of the professional staff to use in managing the schools.
  2. In the development of administrative regulation and procedures to implement policies.
  3. In the identification of or the development of the objectives of the course of study.
  4. In the assessment of and the evaluation of the educational program.
  5. In those instances where the specific talents of the lay person or persons complement and extend the instructional services of the classroom teacher.
  6. In solving specific problems.
  7. In serving as advisory people to curriculum development projects such as the Vocational Advisory Committee.
  8. Board members themselves will remain mindful that they are elected to represent the people of the district.
  9. All citizens of the district will be encouraged to express ideas, concerns, and judgments about the schools through such means as (a) written suggestion(s) or proposal(s); (b) presentations at hearings; (c) responses to surveys made through interviews, written instruments, or other means; (d) comments at meetings of the Board; and (e) service on citizens advisory committees.
  10. The advice of the public will be given careful consideration. In the evaluation of such contributions, the first concern will he for the educational program as it affects the pupils. The final decision may depart from this advice when, in the judgment of the staff and the Board, such advice is not consistent with goals adopted by the Board, current educational practice, or within the reach of the financial resources available.
  11. All must recognize that the Board of Education has the sole legal responsibility to establish policy.

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