V-32: Foreign Exchange Students
North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............
Board Policy with Guidelines
Policy Number: V-32
Effective Date: 05/13/2003
Revised Date:
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Foreign Exchange Students
This policy is set forth to ensure compliance with Utah State Law (53A-2-206) and immigration laws of the United States of America.
Foreign Exchange Students may be enrolled in the North Sanpete School District only through an application and assurance procedure that will serve the educational mission of the district for all students enrolled in District Schools It must be determined that neither a financial or class size burden will be realized by the foreign student's enrollment.
The North Sanpete School. District has the authority and responsibility to determine whether any exchange student will be allowed to enroll. Continued enrollment is the decision of the district and enrollment may be ended at anytime.
- Foreign students approved to enroll in the district must be sponsored by a state approved sponsoring agency in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws.
- The agency sponsoring the foreign exchange student must also be sponsoring a resident district student who is enrolled in a foreign country (one-to-one exchange); or that all tuition and fees are paid in advance of enrollment.
- The sponsoring agency is required to provide to the district a copy of the sworn affidavit of compliance required by the State Board of Education prior to enrolling any foreign exchange student for the coming school year. The affidavit shall include the
following assurances: - The agency has complied with all applicable rules of the state board;
- That a household study, including a background check of all adult residents, has been made of each household where an exchange student is to reside, and that the study was of sufficient scope to provide reasonable assurance that the exchange student will receive proper care and supervision in a safe environment;
- That the host parents have received training appropriate to their positions, including information about enhanced criminal penalties, as provided by law, for persons who are in a position of special trust;
- That a representative of the exchange student agency shall visit each student's place of residency at least once each month during the student's stay in Utah and the district;
- The agency will cooperate with the district and school and other public authorities to ensure no exchange student becomes an unreasonable burden upon the school or other public agencies.;
- That each exchange student will be given in the exchange student's native language names and telephone numbers of agency representatives and others who could be called at any time if a serious problem occurs; and
- That alternative placements are readily available so that no student is required to remain in a household if conditions appear to exist which unreasonably endanger the student's welfare.
- The district is not required to provide any services that would be in addition to what resident district students would receive through the standard educational program.
- Foreign Exchange students may receive an honorary high school diploma if they state that desire upon enrollment. The student must meet all graduation requirements. Awarding of the diploma may be influenced by previous and present performance. The decision whether to award a diploma will be the responsibility high school graduation committee on a case-by-case basis. The honorary diploma will specify: “Foreign Exchange Student".
- The Board of Education will determine each year the number of Foreign Exchange Students that will be accepted.