Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

V-31: School Fees Policy

North Sanpete School District
Statement of…………………….   

Board Policy With Guidelines

Policy Number: V-31
Effective Date: 08/25/1983
Revised Date: 11/17/2020

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Subject: School Fees


The North Sanpete Board of Education establishes procedures concerning student fees, fines and charges and the requirements of state law mandating fee waivers.  Utah Code Ann. § 53G-101 through -104

Fees as identified by the North Sanpete District Board of Education will be waived in accordance with UCA §53G-7-504(5) and R277-407. Students who are in State custody, foster care, or receive public assistance in the form of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or who qualify for free school lunch are presumed eligible for fee waivers. The District may verify the eligibility status of these students consistent with procedures in R277-407-7(2). Case-by-case determinations may be made for those students who do not qualify under one of the foregoing criteria but who, because of extenuating circumstances such as, but not limited to, exceptional financial burdens, loss or substantial reduction of income or extraordinary medical expenses, are not reasonably capable of paying the fees.

Fees may be paid in cash, check or electronic transfer or may be paid by work from the students. Working students are to be congratulated and respected for their accountability. Requirements/criteria for this option are provided in Section 10 of this policy.


"Fee" means something of monetary value requested or required by an LEA as a condition to a student’s participation in an activity, class, or program provided, sponsored, or supported by a school.

"Waiver" or “Fee Waiver” means a release from the requirement or payment of a fee and from any provision in lieu of a fee payment.


  1. Consistency with R277-407 and USBE-approved forms: All administrators and employees of NSSD shall comply with provisions of R277-407. The fee waiver application and associated required documentation shall incorporate and conform to R277-407, waiver information and forms as specified by the USBE. The USBE approved appeal form shall be provided promptly to parents who request school fee waivers.
  2. Approval by Board and notice to parents/guardians: The North Sanpete Board of Education shall adopt a fee schedule and fee policies for the NSSD at least annually in a regularly scheduled board meeting. The adoption of the fee policy shall be part of the regular Board minutes. NSSD shall provide notice of the fee policy, fees and procedures for fee waivers and procedures to parents/guardians at student registration, including registration of students during the school year, and shall post fee information on the NSSD website and in schools, as required by state law. The District or each school shall provide information to parents about alternatives to fee waivers.
  3. Requests for waivers: Requests for fee waivers shall be made to the school principal. The Principal shall use a confidential process and shall make a fair and objective decision without delay. A student’s responsibility for the payment of fees is suspended during the Principal’s review of a request for a fee waiver.
  4. Appeals of waiver denials: Appeals of the Principal’s denial of requests for fee waivers may be made to the North Sanpete Superintendent. The Superintendent’s decision is final. Requirements for fees shall be suspended during any period during which the student’s eligibility for waiver is being reviewed or appealed.
  5. In order to protect the privacy of each student and to avoid any stigma, all information associated with the application process will be treated as confidential. Students applying for fee waivers and students who have been granted fee waivers will not be identified to those who do not have a right or a need to know. As a rule, NSSD teachers and coaches do not have a right or a need to know which students have been approved to receive fee waivers. Additionally, NSSD will assure that students applying for waivers or receiving waivers will be treated no differently than other students.
  6. Lost or damaged school property: Students may be required to pay for lost or damaged school property consistent with UCA §53G-8-212 which allows the District to require students to complete appropriate work in lieu of fee waivers if they are eligible for fee waivers. The school shall consult with students’ parents to determine if a work project would be appropriate for the student.
  7. Withholding of school records: A school may withhold only an official student transcript, grade report or diploma to obtain payment of charges in number 6, above—subject to consultation with the family. A school may not withhold any records required for student enrollment or placement in a subsequent school. Utah Code Ann. § 53G-8-212 and R277-407-6(10) through (12)
  8. Fees/charges which need not be waived: Charges and fees for class rings, letter jackets, school photos, or yearbooks, which are not required for participation in a class or activity, need not be waived.
  9. Restrictions to fees
  10. Kindergarten through sixth grade
  11. No fees shall be charge in kindergarten through sixth grade for materials, textbooks, workbooks, supplies or any class, activity, assembly or field trip that take place during the regular school day.
  12. Student supplies must be provided for elementary students. A student may, however, be required to replace supplies provided by the school that are lost, wasted, or damaged by the student through careless or irresponsible behavior, consistent with number 6, above.
  13. An elementary school or elementary teacher may suggest donations or contributions for the students’ use. The school or teacher may provide a suggested list of materials or supplies and must state that parent contributions are optional and voluntary. A written suggested list to parents/guardians must include the following express language: "NOTICE: THE ITEMS ON THIS LIST WILL BE USED DURING THE REGULAR SCHOOL DAY. THEY MAY BE BROUGHT FROM HOME ON A VOLUNTARY BASIS, OTHERWISE, THEY WILL BE FURNISHED BY THE SCHOOL."
  14. Fees may be charged in grades K-6 for programs, activities or supplies required for activities that take place outside of the regular school day so long as the programs or activities are optional and do not affect students’ grades. Fees for elementary school activities outside of the regular school day must be approved, listed and subject to waiver in the same manner as secondary school fees.
  15. Grades seven through twelve
  16. No fee shall be charge or assessed in connection with any class unless the fee has been set and approved by the Board and notice given as required in R277-407-6.
  17. Textbook fees shall be waived for fee waiver eligible students.
  18. All project-related courses and activities must be based upon projects and experiences that are free to all students.
  19. Students in grades seven through twelve may be required to provide their own school supplies, so long as the required supplies are general rather than prescriptive.
  20. Extracurricular activity fees shall not exceed limits established by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE).
  21. Student Work in Lieu of Fees/Fee Waiver
  22. All work assigned in lieu of fee waivers must be completed by September 30 for students enrolled in August, or within one month after registration for those who enter the NSSD during the school year. All fees remaining one month after enrollment will be subject to collection efforts by the NSSD.
  23. The following criteria shall apply to students who are assigned work or community service in lieu of fee waivers:
  24. Work may not be required for textbook fees.
  25. Work assignments must be appropriate to the age, physical condition, family circumstances and maturity of the student.
  26. Several work alternatives shall be available; students may not be assigned demeaning or stigmatizing work.
  27. Students shall be paid wages at least equal to the state minimum wage for services performed.
  28. LEAs shall make reasonable efforts to transfer work hours to other LEAs if students/families move out of a district after the work has been performed.
  29. All NSSD student work will be under the authorization and supervision of either the Principal or Assistant Principal.
  30. Fundraising
  31. Grades 7-12 may require fundraising for students in lieu of fee waivers.
  32. If fundraising is required for an activity or program, all students participating in the activity must participate in the fundraising.
  33. Students cannot be required to work in lieu of fee waivers AND be required to participate in fundraising activities.
  34. Fundraising activities should be joint student efforts rather than fundraising quotas assigned to individual students.
  35. If a fee waiver eligible student makes the required fundraising effort and funds raised are insufficient to cover individual fee waiver students, then the differential between the required cost per student and the amount raised by a student must be waived—if the activity goes forward.
  36. Fee Waiver Compliance
  37. Each elementary and secondary school principal shall submit a signed copy of the appropriate school certificate of compliance on the form provided by the USBE to the NSSD Superintendent.
  38. The Superintendent and the North Sanpete Board President shall sign the NSSD certificate of compliance.
  39. The required certificates of compliance and other fee and fee waiver information required under R277-407-8 shall be provided to the USBE by the Superintendent consistent with R277-407-8. 

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