Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

V-08: In-District School Choice Policy

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: V-08
Effective Date: 08/20/2019
Revised Date: 

PDF Download

Subject: In-District School Choice Policy


North Sanpete School District resident parents requesting that their child attend a North Sanpete School District school other than their school of residence, need to simply write a letter of request to the school board explaining their request. Requests for dual immersion and out of district students must follow the Open Enrollment Policy.


In-district school choice requests follow the process below:

  1. Parent writes a letter to the school board explaining their request.
  2. Principal(s) make a recommendation to the school board.
  3. If recommended by the principal(s), the superintendent provides temporary approval pending the next board meeting.
  4. If temporarily approved by the superintendent, the student may enroll and start attending the non-resident school pending the next school board meeting.
  5. The school board will consider the request at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.
  6. If approved, students must follow all district and school rules, including attendance requirements, safe school rules, etc., or school choice permission may be revoked.
  7. Annual application is not needed for the student to continue enrollment once permission is granted.

ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE: Policy V-08 was originally titled Enrollment of Non-Resident Students and was effective on 2/9/1999. It was replaced by Policy V-56 titled Admissions and Attendance: Eligibility and Admissions of Non-Resident Students by Board vote on 3/15/2016.

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