Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed
Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed
North Sanpete School District Policy Number: V-6
Statement of......................... Effective Date: 09/14/99
Board Policy with Guidelines Revised Date: 03/19/24
Subject: Dress and Grooming
I. Board Policy
The Board of Education is committed to maintain a positive learning atmosphere in all its
schools. The board recognizes that there are distractions of student learning, hygiene and safety
factors directly related to improper dress and grooming. If the student and/or his/her parents or
guardian fail in their responsibilities, dress and grooming thus become a part of the school's
The Board delegates to the Administration responsibility to see that each school adheres to the
dress and grooming standards established by the Board in the guidelines of this policy. Further,
all district and school staff members shall have a share of responsibility in seeing that these
standards are implemented and enforced in classrooms, in school buildings, on school grounds,
on school buses, at school activities, and other occasions as appropriate.
The following criteria established by students and parents working together have been set forth
as guidelines for dress and grooming.
II. Guidelines
1. Immodest dress such as exposed underwear, tank tops, unbuttoned shirts and/or blouses
and clothing worn so tight or so loose as to be revealing is not permissible.
2. Clothing which leaves the midriff exposed when arms are lifted to shoulder level while
sitting or standing is prohibited.
3. Sheer clothing is permissible only if the clothing underneath meets dress code standards.
4. Sleeves will be worn with shoulders covered with a wide strap (See figure below).
5. Clothing with inappropriate printing such as, but not limited to, anything that shows
disrespect to the educational process by advertising sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, illegal
activities, racial statements, profane language, vulgarity, graphics depicting violence,
statements disrupting the school environment, nude or lewd content and sexual innuendo
is prohibited.
6. Dresses, shorts, split skirts and other short-like fashions should be long enough to cover
to mid thigh. Holes in bottoms that expose skin above mid thigh must be covered.
7. Appropriate undergarments are to be worn by girls and boys.
8. Shoes and/or sandals are to be worn at all times to ensure personal safety and hygiene.
9. Pajamas are not permissible.
10. Hair must be kept clean, well-groomed and of a natural color (when representing the
school or district including, but not limited to, performances, competitions, club
11. Students should come to school clean and well groomed.
12. Jewelry, accessories and tattoos which are so conspicuous or extreme to interfere with
learning at school or pose a health or safety issue to the student, shall not be allowed.
Facial piercing can be no more than a single stud with no more than a 1/8th inch diameter
on the ends.
13. Hats and other head coverings may not be worn by students in elementary and middle
schools except as part of an approved school activity or event, for medical reasons, or as
an exercise of a sincerely held religious belief. Students in grades 9-12 schools may wear
hats and other head coverings. Notwithstanding the foregoing, hats and head coverings
may not be worn in either elementary or secondary schools if doing so disrupts the
educational environment, poses a danger to self or others, or limits the ability of others to
identify the student.
14. Wearing, possessing, using, distributing, displaying, or selling any clothing, or hats
displaying graphics depicting violence, statements disrupting the school environment
gang names, initials or nicknames, jewelry, emblem badge, symbol, sign colored rags or
handkerchiefs, or other things which evidence membership in a gang is prohibited (see
district policy V-3, section III, item 1).
15. Anyone in violation of the district dress code will be required to immediately replace the
inappropriate clothing with something in compliance with the policy and will be given a
warning from the building principal. For students, all reasonable efforts will be made to
notify the parent or guardian of the student. Further violations by students will cause
sanctions as outlined in the school and/or district Discipline Policy.
North Sanpete School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs.
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