Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed
Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed
IV-55: Scope of Employment
North Sanpete School District
Statement of…………………….
Board Policy With Guidelines
Policy Number: IV-55
Effective Date: 03/08/1988
Revised Date: 07/17/2018
Subject: Scope of Employment
It is the intent of the Board of Education to establish guidelines for school instructions and programs.
The administration of the school district will cooperate fully in implementing this policy for the benefit of students, patrons, and district employees.
The law provides that a qualified person may receive a permit “to carry a concealed firearm for lawful self-defense …”UCA§53-5-704-(1). A concealed dangerous weapon means”… a dangerous weapon that is covered hidden or secreted in a manner that the public would not be aware of its presence and is readily accessible for immediate use. “UCA§76-10-5-1 (2) (a). An employee of North Sanpete School District who obtain concealed weapons permits do so in their own individual capacities. Any use of such weapons is outside the scope of employment, is contrary to the purposes of employment by the district and is done solely in employee’s personal capacity, not as an employee of the district.
This policy applies to all employees, contract employees, on-site vendors and volunteers.
North Sanpete School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs.
Civil Rights Disclosure | Prohibition of Bullying, Hazing, and Retaliation | SafeUT
North Sanpete School District is committed to making and all affiliated sites compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). At this time we recognize that not all areas of our websites may be ADA compliant.
We are continuously redesigning content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines.
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