Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

IV-45: Recruitment, Hiring, and Appointment of Classified and Substitute Personnel

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............   

Board Policy with Guidelines           

Policy Number: IV-45
Effective Date: 11/14/2006
Revised Date:

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Subject: Recruitment, Hiring, and Appointment of Classified and Substitute Personnel


The North Sanpete School Board recognizes its responsibility to provide the children of the district with the best educational support system possible. Pursuant to this responsibility, recruitment and selection of new classified and substitute personnel will be made from well qualified individuals who will provide a quality educational experience.


1. The Board directs the superintendent and personnel director to recruit, hire, and appoint classified and substitute personnel as needed in the North Sanpete School District. 

2. All vacancies that cannot be filled by previously-hired district employees, as directed in the Transfer of Employees Policy, (IV-50) will be widely advertised using media that is commonly known in the area.

3. The criteria for determining a prospective classified or substitute employee’s qualifications are:

  • positive background check
  • work skills competencies
  • work habits
  • dependability
  • ability to work with other people

4. All selections will be made on a “best qualified” basis, and without discrimination based on race, religion, sex, or handicap.

5. Candidates for classified vacancies shall be interviewed. The interview committee will consist of the Personnel Director, who will be chairman of the committee; the director of the service where the vacancy occurs, and other current employees in the area where the vacancy occurs. The Personnel Director will make arrangements for the interview and the evaluation of the applicant as a result of the interview.

6. Once the selection committee makes a decision, the individual selected will be given a letter of appointment that will outline the terms of the contract of employment by the district personnel director or the superintendent.

7. Those applying for positions as substitutes will fill out the appropriate papers in the district office and be fingerprinted for a background check. Once the background check is cleared, that substitute list will be given to individual school principals or service directors and those individuals will be responsible for calling individuals to substitute as needed.

8. At each Board meeting, the personnel director or superintendent will present all names of individuals hired for classified positions and those who have passed the requirements to be placed on the substitute list since the last Board meeting. This presentation will be for purposes of information.

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