IV-44: Negotiations
North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............
Board Policy with Guidelines
Policy Number: IV-44
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:
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The Board, as the duly constituted representative of the people and as the agent of the State, is legally responsible for the conduct of public education in this district and its authority to make final decisions as provided for by law. may not be delegated or abdicated. The Board's rights include, but are not limited to, all matters relating to the governance of the schools and its administration; the employment and direction of staff; and the determination of the district program of instruction.
- The principal negotiator is authorized to sign tentative agreements with the bargaining units provided these agreements do not alter or conflict with official board policies or rules and regulations.
- All agreements must be approved by a majority vote of the whole number of members of the Board before any written agreements are reached with bargaining units.
- Although not all inclusive, the following general items are considered non-negotiable. Specific items will be determined by the Board as necessary:
- The executive management and administrative control over the school system and its properties and facilities.
- The hiring of all employees and, subject to the provision of law, the determination of their qualifications, and conditions for their continued employment, or their dismissal or demotion, and the transfer or reassignment of all such employees.
- The establishment of grades and courses of instruction, including special programs, and the provision for athletic, recreational and social events for students.
- The determination of the means and methods of instruction, the selection of textbooks and other teaching materials, the use of teaching aids of whatever kind of nature and the amount of money to be budgeted for such items.
- The determination of class size, class schedules, hours of instruction school calendar, and the duties, responsibilities and assignments of teachers and other employees, and the assignment of teachers to non-teaching activities.
- Recognized employee organizations may have the following privileges:
- Use of school buildings for meetings without charge, provided that meetings do not interfere with school use.
- A listing of organization and principal officers in school's directory.
- Use of school bulletin boards, and school mail or messenger service for official organizations' communications, subject to procedures established by the Board representative.
- Payroll deductions shall be permitted for dues for recognized employee organizations, for medical plans, and for other benefits in accordance with the provisions of the policies of the Board.
- The opportunity at regularly scheduled faculty meetings to announce meetings of recognized employee organizations, including agenda items to be considered.
- Listing in the district's directory of the addresses and telephone numbers of the association and its major officers.
- Representatives of organizations may contact employees during the normal work day in which they are performing their duties in the operation of the school district provided prior approval has been extended by the district superintendent or his designated representative. Official representatives of recognized employees organizations shall report to the school or department office before visiting any employee on the premises of the school or district building.
- Each organization shall be fairly and equally described in all official bulletins and directories of the district when such recognized organizations are listed. Nothing in these rules shall be construed to withhold from any individual employee the rights and privileges he may possess as an individual employee of the school district.
- Other employee groups not having met the requirements for verification specified above may request to participate in the services described above by applying to the Board of Education through the filing of a written request in the office of the Superintendent.