Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed
Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed
IV-36: Epidemic or Pandemic, or Similar Communicable Disease Outbreak Employee Leave Policy
North Sanpete School District
Statement of ........................
Board Policy with Guidelines
Policy Number: IV-36
Effective Date: 08/18/2020
Revised Date:
Subject: Epidemic or Pandemic, or similar Communicable Disease Outbreak Employee Leave Policy
Employment During an Epidemic, Pandemic, or Other Communicable Disease Outbreak
Unless specifically stated otherwise herein, the provisions set forth in this policy are only applicable in the event the CDC, the Utah Department of Health, or the local department of health declares a current epidemic, pandemic, or other outbreak in the District’s geographical boundaries. If there is not a current epidemic, pandemic, or outbreak declared by an authorized federal, state, or local government authority, then these guidelines are dormant and of no effect unless specifically stated otherwise herein.
Employee Leave in the Event of Required Quarantine or Isolation
An employee shall receive paid leave for all days the employee cannot work or telework (work remotely) due to a Qualifying Reason. Workdays missed by an employee for a Qualifying Reason for the time period advised by the controlling federal, state, or local government authority shall not count against the employee’s leave days or sick bank time.
Qualifying Reason is defined as when the employee is unable to work or telework because the employee:
Reasonable Accommodations For High-Risk Employees
To the extent that they do not create undue hardship (including, but not limited to, financial hardship) on the District or prevent the employee from performing the essential functions of the job, the District may make reasonable accommodations for High-Risk Employees. A few examples of potential reasonable accommodations include:
These are examples of reasonable accommodations the District could make. They should not be interpreted as accommodations the District has to make. Nothing set forth herein shall limit or restrict employee rights that are established through federal or state law.
Physical Attendance An Essential Function of Job
Anytime all or a portion of students are physically attending school, physical attendance is an essential job function for District employees who typically work from or in District facilities.
However, the District at its sole discretion may make exceptions to the requirement that an employee be physically at work if all four of the following requirements are satisfied:
If an employee desires and is authorized to work remotely, then the District may deduct from such employee’s compensation any expense incurred by the District in performing the essential function of the job that is not being performed by the employee working remotely. If the number of employees allowed to work remotely is limited, High-Risk Employees shall be given preference.
Personal Protective Equipment
Any personal protective equipment (PPE) necessary as a result of the epidemic, pandemic, or Outbreak will be provided by the District. Employees must wear all PPE required by the District. If for health or job performance reasons an employee cannot wear the required PPE, then the District may make reasonable accommodations for that employee.
North Sanpete School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs.
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North Sanpete School District is committed to making and all affiliated sites compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). At this time we recognize that not all areas of our websites may be ADA compliant.
We are continuously redesigning content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines.
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