Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

IV-29: Provisional Period for New Teachers

North Sanpete School District
Statement of ............. 

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: IV–29
Effective Date: 08/14/1986
Revised Date: 05/16/2017

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Subject: Provisional Period for New Teachers


It shall be the policy of the Board of Education to secure, for the school system, the most competent staff of teachers available. In implementation of this policy, the Board realizes the importance of the initial careful selection of teachers and the conscientious evaluation of teachers during the provisional period of three academic years. The three-year provisional period may be extended for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Below standard score on a performance evaluation;
  2. Receipt of complaint(s) or expression(s) of concern from a parent, co-worker, or member of the community that creates uncertainty about the employee’s professionalism, performance, or character;
  3. Declining student enrollment in the district or in a particular program or class;
  4. The discontinuance or substantial reduction of a particular service or program;
  5. Budgetary concerns;
  6. Change of immediate supervisor within the last provisional year;
  7. If the first year of employment was as an intern; or
  8. If the teacher has completed a BA/BS, but needs additional time to complete all other licensing requirements.


  1. A provisional educator is defined as above or if he/she was hired under specifically funded programs for which
    continued funding is not assured
  2. The term "teacher" includes all certificated non-administrative supervisory personnel employed by the Board.
  3. All provisional teachers shall be given contracts of employment for one academic year.
  4. All provisional teachers must apply for a position within the district, each year, during the provisional period.
  5. Provisional teachers shall not be entitled to a hearing, if their contract is not renewed.

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