Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

IV-26: Disciplinary Probation for Tenured Teachers

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: IV–26
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Disciplinary Probation for Tenured Teachers


It is believed that teachers will adhere to high ethical and professional standards. It is also expected that teachers will subscribe to the philosophy and objectives of the school district and guide their professional activities in accord with district policies and philosophy. Teachers who violate ethical and professional standards, or who are in repeated conflict with other teachers, administrators, students, or parents, may be placed on probation.


  1. Teachers will be promptly notified and provided with written copies of all complaints, observations, evaluations, and/or materials received from all sources relating to their conduct, service, or character which indicate a possible violation of ethical standards or deficiency in professional service.
  2. The teacher will have an opportunity to review and respond in writing to the materials. The teacher's response will be attached to any original documents which might be placed in his/her personal file.
  3. If needed, a formal conference between the teacher and his/her principal will be held to review the violation or deficiency and the teacher's response. At this conference the principal will advise and counsel the teacher regarding specific areas of improvement needed.
  4. If needed, the principal and the teacher will formulate a specific written program for improvement. This document will be placed in the teacher's personal file. A date will be mutually determined by the principal and the teacher at which time an evaluation will be made to assess the teacher's progress in correcting the deficiencies or violations.
  5. The teacher shall be given every opportunity to call on supervisors, specialists, association personnel, or other professional educators for assistance, constructive help, or valuation. The foregoing, however, should not be construed to mean that such supervisory persons are responsible for teaching methods and subsequent teaching success or failure.
  6. On the mutually determined date the teacher and the principal will evaluate the teacher's efforts to correct the previously noted deficiencies or violations. At this time, the teacher will be reinstated as a professional in good standing upon the correction of the violation or deficiency or will be terminated according to orderly procedure upon failure to correct the noted violation or deficiency.

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