Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

IV-06: Counselor

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: IV-6
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Counselor 


The Counselor shall be under the immediate supervision of the School Principal. He will be responsible for implementing the school guidance and counseling programs and either carry the major responsibility for, or assist in implementation of, the following:


  1. Individual and/or group counseling with students regarding academic and vocational planning, learning problems, personal concerns that interfere with academic or learning progress, work opportunities and results of testing and other student evaluations.
  2. Individual or group consultations with teachers regarding individual students or classes in the context of the previous statement regarding counseling with students.
  3. Parent or teacher group meetings regarding children, growth, and development.
  4. Coordination of curriculum concepts and child development concepts.
  5. Preparation and implementation of group guidance activities focusing on development of positive attitudes regarding learning and self-concept.
  6. Identification of students needing special educational programs.
  7. Identification and referral to an outside agency of students needing special assistance or a psychological, or social nature, coordinated through the School Principal.
  8. Inter and intra-district articulation of students.
  9. Consultant to site administrator on course of study and class schedules.
  10. Maintenance of vocational files.
  11. Perform related duties as required.

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