Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

III-21: School Calendar and Contract Days for Certificated Employees

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: III-21
Effective Date: 08/25/1983

Revised Date: 1/15/2019
Revised Date: 04/18/2023

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Subject: School Calendar and Contract Days for Certificated Employees


The school calendar shall the set by the Board of Education.


  1. The Superintendent shall consult with other district administrators, principals, the faculty association, and other interested parties in determining a recommendation to the Board of Education in setting the school calendar.
  2. The district will comply with all laws of the State of Utah, rules and regulations of the State Board of Education.
  3. The State Board of Education prescribes a minimum of 180 days for a regular school year with embedded professional development days as allowed by USBE Board rule and approved by NSSD Board of Education.
  4. Teachers will work 185 days, two of which shall be used for PLC collaboration and preparation time (NSSD Policy IV-62)
  5. Elementary principals shall work 212 days.
  6. Middle school principals shall work 217 days.
  7. High school vice principals shall work 215 days.
  8. High school principal shall be on a year-round contract with vacation time equal to district office administrators.
  9. High school counselors shall have as a portion of their contract thirty (30) additional days for in-service and preparation time. Middle and elementary school counselors shall have as a portion of their contract twenty (20) extra days for in-service and preparation time.
  10. Instructional Coaches shall have as a portion of their contract ten (10) additional days for in-service and preparation time.
  11. School and district offices shall be closed on the approved school holidays.
  12. School calendar for the upcoming school year will be approved in the February board meeting.
  13. Once adopted, the school calendar may be changed only by the Board of Education with the exception that, in an emergency, it may be changed by the Superintendent.

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