Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed
Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed
IV-62: Professional Improvement Policy and Procedure
North Sanpete School District
Board Policy with Guidelines
Policy Number: IV–62
Effective Date: 08/10/1993
Revised Date: 02/21/23
Subject: Professional Improvement
The Board recognizes the value of a competent, up to date, professionally trained teaching staff. This policy is intended to support certified teachers’ continued professional growth in ways that support district needs.
Professional Development
North Sanpete School District will use additional approved instructional time for district-directed Professional Development. These days will be used for PLC /
Implementation as described above, as much as possible.
Endorsements & Lane Changes
This procedure is to accompany and support NSSD Policy IV-62
Procedure Number: IV–62
Effective Date: 08/01/2019
Revised Date: 2-21-23
Subject: Professional Development Disbursements
NSSD District Practice
Teacher Student Success Account (TSSA) and other professional development (PD) funding will be used as follows:
1 – Ten percent of the total NSSD TSSA allocation will be used for PD. Each school will be given its proportional share of the budget. To reduce the burden on schools, the North Sanpete Professional Development conference PD pay and other district sponsored principal approved conference cost will be subtracted from each school’s allocation.
2 - TSSA / PD funds will pay for certified employee conferences and training in support of school improvement plans to cover expenses (conference registration, travel, lodging, per diem, etc.). Principals need to prioritize requests within existing budgets. Trainings may include the annual URSA Conference, subject specific conferences, district supported conferences such as PLC conferences, schoolwide initiatives, etc.
3 – Teachers are exempt employees under the Fair Labor Standards Acts and are paid a salary to complete their contract, including “extra duties as assigned” (which may include travel time to training on contract days, faculty meetings extending beyond contract hours, etc.). Teachers therefore do not submit a time card or receive additional compensation for extra duties as assigned on contract days.
4 – When training is needed to fulfill the teacher’s contract, the principal will determine with the teacher(s) how to best accomplish the training. Teachers may attend these required training on contract days, that are both requested and mandated by their principal, with prior approval from the assistant superintendent or superintendent. Teachers are paid full contract pay for training they are required to attend on contract days.
5 – Certified employees receive professional development pay for up to two days of the NSPD Conference. Teachers may also receive professional development pay for training on non-contract days that is both requested and mandated by their principal, with prior approval from the assistant superintendent or superintendent.
6 – Additionally, teachers can attend any training they would like on their own time, at their own expense.
North Sanpete School District
Request for Tuition Reimbursement
Teacher: _____________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
School: ______________________________________________ Grade/Subject: ____________________
Endorsement Requested: _________________________________________________________________
University of Enrollment: ________________________________________________________________
Credit cost per hour or course:
Number of hours or courses for endorsement:
Reimbursement Rate:
Total Reimbursement Cost:
Type of Endorsement Requested:
* Encouraged by NSSD (50%) ESL _________________________________________________
Elem Reading _____________________________________________
Elem Math ________________________________________________
Other (list endorsement) _____________________________________
* Required by NSSD (75%) List Endorsement(s) _______________________________________
_____________________________________________________ ____________________________
Teacher Signature Date
_____________________________________________________ ____________________________
Assistant Superintendent/Personnel Date
North Sanpete School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs.
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North Sanpete School District is committed to making and all affiliated sites compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). At this time we recognize that not all areas of our websites may be ADA compliant.
We are continuously redesigning content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines.
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