Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

II-14: Electronic Meetings

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: II-14
Effective Date: 08/10/2010
Revised Date: 10/10/2010

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Subject:  Electronic Meetings


Electronic Meetings Authorized
In order to facilitate board member participation in board meetings when physical presence is not possible, electronic meetings are expressly permitted pursuant to Utah Code 52-4-207.


  1. “Anchor location” means the physical location from which the electronic meeting originates or from which the participants are connected.
  2. “Electronic meeting” means a meeting convened or conducted by means of a telephonic, telecommunications or computer conference.

Electronic Meeting Guidelines

  1. A quorum of the board of education shall be physically present at an anchor location for all meetings.
  2. Board members who wish to participate in a meeting by electronic means shall make reasonable efforts to notify the board president or vice-president no fewer than three days prior to the meeting in order for arrangements to be made for the electronic meeting.
  3. The board president or vice-president shall make reasonable efforts to give notice of the electronic meeting to all other board members no fewer than 24 hours prior to the meeting, including a description of the electronic connection.
  4. The member’s electronic presence at a meeting shall be announced at the meeting and noted in the minutes.

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