Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

II-11: Public Appearances of Board Meeting

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: II-11
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:
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Subject:  Public Appearances at Board Meeting


The Board of Education welcomes persons interested in any or all matters related to the schools at meetings of the Board.


  1. It is recommended that persons wishing to communicate with the Board make such a request to the Superintendent seven (7) days in advance of the board meeting. The Superintendent may place the item on the Board agenda for its proper consideration.
  2. During the board meeting, any individual or group may address the Board concerning any subject within its jurisdiction and subject to the following rules:
  3. During the discussion of any item on the agenda, the President of the Board may call on individuals to answer questions or make a statement.
  4. During the discussion of any item on the agenda, any interested person may request that he be heard by the Board of Education under proper rules of propriety.
  5. Provisions shall be provided on the agenda for patrons to be heard.
  6. Any discussion by an individual or group may be limited in time at the discretion of the President of the Board.
  7. Questions from individuals or groups are to be asked of the Board as a whole and may not be asked of any individual member of the Board or administrative staff.
  8. It shall be in order for members of the Board to interrupt a speaker at any time to ask questions in order to clarify the discussion.
  9. No person shall present orally or discuss at any board meeting complaints against individual employees of the school district. Such charges or complaints shall be presented to the Superintendent in writing and signed by the person or persons making the charge or complaint.
  10. Individuals or groups making presentations to the Board shall be courteous and proper. Boisterous conduct and remarks which are discourteous, abusive, profane, or obscene will not be tolerated. The President of the Board may terminate the right of any speaker to continue if be violates this regulation.

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