Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

II-02: Duties and Powers

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: II-2
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:

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Subject: Duties and Powers

The Board of Education shall perform it's duties as prescribed by law.


  1. Shall select a superintendent who shall be the chief executive officer and delegate to him the authority of administering the policies of the Board. The legislation of policies is an important function of a school board, and the execution of the policies should then be the function of the superintendent. Delegation by the Board of its executive powers provides freedom for the superintendent to manage the schools within established policies.

    All directions of the Board to the supervisors, coordinators, principals, teachers, custodians, bus drivers, cooks, pupils, and other employees shall be communicated through the superintendent as chief administrative officer of the Board. Likewise, all communications from the foregoing to the Board shall be routed through the superintendent.

  2. Shall prescribe and enforce in consultation with the chief executive officer rules and regulations not inconsistent with law for its own government and for the schools under its jurisdiction.

  3. Shall approve and/or adopt Administrative Rules and Regulations recommended by the Superintendent to implement and execute the policies of the Board, the State laws, and the State Board of Education rules governing public education.

  4. Shall adopt an annual budget as prescribed by law after due consideration and study of the financial reports and administrative recommendations of the Superintendent and his staff.

  5. Shall take action authorized or required by law only in meetings open to the public.

  6. May accept gifts, donations, bequests, and devises as are made to the district for the benefit of the schools, subject to such restrictions and conditions as the Board may prescribe.

  7. Shall complete annual report to the State Board of Education in the manner and form and/or blanks prescribed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

  8. May employ and dismiss employees upon recommendation of the Superintendent. Shall accept resignations of school employees.
  9. Shall fix the rate of compensations for all employees.

  10. Shall provide for an annual audit and a continuing district audit of all funds under the supervision of the district including student organizations and the cafeterias.

  11. Shall approve an annual school calendar.

  12. Shall approve and cause to be enforced, courses of study upon recommendation of the chief executive officer and the staff.

  13. Shall require, consider, and evaluate reports from the administration on the condition of the District in the following areas: instruction, personnel, curriculum planning, finance,, special services, building and growth, capital outlay, operations and maintenance.

  14. Shall serve as a committee of the whole with the Superintendent in the study of growth and expansion problems including land acquisition, new school buildings, classrooms, building plans, architects, and master planning.

  15. Shall authorize the expenditures of funds and approve payment of - authorized purchases.

  16. Shall provide for the establishment of the necessary procedures to assure proper accounting of receipts, disbursements and balances.

  17. Shall provide adequate housing, equipment, supplies, and other facilities for the operation of the District.

  18. Shall provide for the traveling expenses of any representative of the Board when performing services directed by the District.

  19. May select a member or members of the Board to attend meetings of any society, association, or organization for which the school district has subscribed for membership, or any convention to which it pays expenses for any employee. The expenses of the member or members shall be allowed and paid out of funds of the district.

  20. Shall refer all legal matters to an attorney for his opinion and ruling upon the recommendation of the superintendent.

  21. Shall cause to be kept in the Superintendent's office a central filing system for all legal opinions and/or reports of the Attorney General for the State of Utah and Attorney for the school system.

  22. Shall serve as a court of final appeal within the District organization for employees and their patrons after complaint of matters needing adjustment have first been submitted to the Chief Executive Officer.

  23. Shall represent the schools and present their needs, and interpret their programs before community agencies, the legislature, and the public.

  24. Shall perform all other duties and exercise such powers as provided for in the laws of the state.

  25. A Board member shall not have any direct pecuniary interest in a contract with the school district, nor shall he or she furnish directly any labor, equipment, or supplies to the district.

    In the event a Board member is employed by a corporation or business or has a secondary interest in a corporation or business which furnishes goods or services to the school district, the Board Member shall declare his interest and refrain from debating or voting upon the question of contracting with the company.

    It is not the intent of this policy to prevent the district from contracting with corporations or businesses because a Board Members is an employee of the firm. The policy is designed to prevent placing a Board Member in a position where his interest in the public schools and his interest in his place of employment (or other indirect interest) might conflict and to avoid appearances of conflict of interest even though such conflict may not exist.

    Exceptions to the above may be modified by the State Attorney Generals opinion.
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