Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

North Sanpete School District Classified Evaluation Plan

This plan was drafted by the Classified Evaluation Committee.

Step I – Fall Meeting with Supervisor (first month of school)

  1. Complete Goal Setting Form
  2. Discuss job description
  3. Notify employee of areas needing improvement

Step II – Mid-Year Formative evaluation (multiple measures over time)

  1. Job specific documents (secretary, custodial, nutrition, bus, etc.) 
  2. Walk-thru, survey, ride-a-long, etc.
  3. At least twice per year (allow at least one month for improvement, if needed, before summative evaluation)
  4. Supervisor will review areas needing improvement
  5. Every year for every classified employee
  6. Elementary custodian submits playground checklist to principal monthly 

Step III – Spring Summative Evaluation – Meet with Supervisor

  1. Review success
  2. Discuss improvement
  3. Finalize success / lack of success (areas needing improvement)
  4. Finalize Summative evaluation (average 3 or better meets standard)
  5. Supervisor express appreciation
  6. Years of employment 1, 2, 3, 4, 9,14,19, 24, 29 (to qualify for step increase)

Instructions for use of Evaluation Forms: (Unless otherwise directed)

Use the space provided for comments when a more detailed explanation seems necessary. Every employee should have a comment on performance good or bad. The rating is on a four-point scale with the following definitions:

  1. Not Effective – Seldom exceeds & often falls short of standard; not sustained adequate improvement.
  2. Emerging/Minimal – Performance is improving; still needs supervision / instruction to perform duties
  3. Effective – Performs independently & at an acceptable level
  4. Highly Effective – Performs independently & at an exceptional level; results often better than expected.

A person receiving a majority of number one and number two ratings should not be recommend for re-employment next school year.

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