Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VIII-04: Budget Planning

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: VIII–4
Effective Date: 12/16/82
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Budget Planning


It is the policy of the Board in preparing the annual budget to utilize information as provided by the professional staff and from the community at large. The Board seeks to provide the human and physical resources to assure for all children the best educational program possible.


  1. By February 10, budget request forms will be submitted to all schools and divisions in the central office. Each faculty member, each custodian, and each person or individual who has a program will establish an objective for that program and will then identify the resources that are needed for the program such as:
  2. Paper, pencils, chalk, textbooks, and all materials that the teacher will need to support his/her program will be identified.
  3. Each faculty member, custodian, etc. shall submit to their administrator their proposed budget for the program that they conduct.
  4. By March 20 each principal and administrative head shall submit to the clerk/treasurer the composite budget of their respective division.
  5. The superintendent, clerk/treasurer shall meet with each principal and division head to review and make tentative approval of the submitted budget.
  6. Capital equipment will be identified as a separate item for each program. Capital equipment will be identified and if more than one piece of equipment is identified, all items shall be placed in priority order.

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