Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed
Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed
North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............
Board Policy with Guidelines
Policy Number: VI-49
Effective Date: 01/17/2017
Revised Date: 07/16/2019
Subject: Curriculum Human Sexuality
The following definitions apply in this policy:
Utah Admin. Rules R277-474-1 (August 8, 2011)
Parental Permission Form Required for Participation
Students may not participate in any human sexuality instruction or instructional program unless, prior to the student’s participation, the school has on file for that student a completed parental notification form relating to that specific instruction or program which indicates that the student’s parent or guardian authorizes the student to participate. Completed permission forms shall be maintained in the student’s educational records.
Utah Code Ann. § 53A-13-101(3)(a) (2004)
Utah Admin. Rules R277-474-1H (August 8, 2011)
Health and Human Sexuality Guidelines
All health and human sexuality education shall stress the importance of abstinence from all sexual activity before marriage and fidelity after marriage as methods of preventing sexually transmitted diseases. The curriculum and education shall also stress personal skills that encourage individual choice of abstinence and fidelity in marriage.
At no time may instruction be provided, including responses to spontaneous questions raised by students, regarding any means or methods that facilitate or encourage the violation of any state or federal criminal law by a minor or an adult.
Nothing in this policy precludes an educator from responding to a spontaneous question provided that the response is consistent with this policy.
Utah Code § 53A-13-101(1)(b) (2004)
The following may not be taught in District schools:
Utah Admin. Rules R277-474-3A (August 8, 2011)
Sexual Abuse Prevention and Awareness
Beginning with the 2016-17 school year, schools in the District shall provide instruction to elementary school students on child sexual abuse prevention and awareness using the instructional materials approved by the State Board of Education for that purpose. However, before an individual student may receive this instruction, the student's parent or guardian must be notified in advance of the instruction and the content of the instruction and of the parent or guardian's right to have the student excused from the instruction, given an opportunity to review the instruction materials, and be allowed to be present when the instruction is delivered. A parental permission form (as outlined above) must be received for each student before that student receives the instruction. Upon the written request of a parent or guardian, a student shall be excused from the instruction.
Utah Code § 53A-13-112(4), (5) (2014)
Instructional Staff Training and In-Service
District staff who have responsibility for some aspect of human sexuality instruction in the District may include administrators, teachers, counselors, teacher’s assistants, or coaches, but are not necessarily limited to those categories.
In their first year of service or assignment, all newly hired or newly assigned District staff who have responsibility for any aspect of human sexuality instruction in the District will attend a State-sponsored in-service outlining the human sexuality curriculum and the criteria for human sexuality instruction in any courses offered in the public education system.
All District staff who have any responsibility for any aspect of human sexuality instruction in the District will attend District training outlining the human sexuality curriculum and the criteria for human sexuality instruction in any courses offered in the public education system at least once every three (3) years.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-474-1I (August 8, 2011)
Utah Admin. Rules R277-474-5A, B (August 8, 2011)
Human Sexuality Curriculum Materials Review Committee
The Board of Education shall appoint a District Human Sexuality Curriculum Materials Review Committee. This committee shall be composed of parents, health professionals, school health educators, and administrators, with at least as many parent members as school employee members. The Board shall review the membership of the committee by August 1 of each year, making new appointments as necessary or appropriate.
The District Human Sexuality Curriculum Materials Review Committee shall meet on a regular basis as determined by the members of the committee, shall establish procedures for operation, and shall designate a chair.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-474-1B (August 8, 2011)
Utah Admin. Rules R277-474-5C (August 8, 2011)
Review of Guest Presentations Relating to Human Sexuality
Before any guest speaker or guest presenter may present any information in any District course relating to human sexuality instruction, the speaker and presenter and the materials to be presented must have been approved by the District Human Sexuality Curriculum Materials Review Committee.
The committee shall not authorize the use of any human sexuality instructional program which has not been previously approved for use in the District as set forth below regarding curriculum approval.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-474-5C (August 8, 2011)
Adoption of District Human Sexuality Instructional Materials
The Board of Education hereby adopts for use in the schools of the District the human sexuality instructional materials recommended by the Utah State Office of Education. All human sexuality instruction in the District shall make use of those instructional materials.
Utah Code § 53A-13-101(1)(c) (2004)
Utah Admin. Rules R277-474-4C (August 8, 2011)
The Board of Education shall determine what human sexuality instructional materials will be used in the District. The Board shall request that the District Human Sexuality Curriculum Materials Review Committee provide recommendations regarding the human sexuality instructional materials to be used in the District. Such recommended materials must be medically accurate and must be consistent with the Health and Human Sexuality Guidelines set forth above. Following recommendations from the Review Committee, the Board shall consider whether to adopt recommended materials at a public meeting which includes a public hearing on the issue. The proposed materials shall have been made available for review by residents of the District a reasonable time in advance of the meeting. If a majority of the Board members present vote to adopt the recommended materials, then the materials may be used in the District.
The District will develop a logging and tracking system of parental and community complaints and comments resulting from student participation in human sexuality instruction, to include the disposition of the complaints, and provide that information to the USOE upon request.
Following adoption of human sexuality instruction materials which have not previously been approved by the State Instructional Materials Commission, the Board shall report such adoption to the State Office of Education. That report shall provide a copy of the materials, documentation of the adoption of the materials at the Board meeting, documentation that the materials are medically accurate, documentation of the committee recommendations, and the Board’s rationale for adopting the materials.
The Board of Education shall annually review the decision to adopt the human sexuality instructional materials used in the District, and shall consider whether to continue use of those materials.
Utah Code § 53A-13-101(1)(ii)(B), (iii) (2004)
Utah Admin. Rules R277-474-6 (August 8, 2011)
Monitoring of Human Sexuality Instruction
Each school in the District shall log and track all parental or community complaints and comments resulting from student participation in human sexuality instruction in the school, including disposition of any complaints made. This information shall be provided to District administration on a monthly basis during the school year.
District administration shall compile and maintain records of parental or community complaints and comments resulting from student participation in human sexuality instruction in the District, including disposition of complaints, and shall provide that information to the Utah State Office of Education upon request.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-474-5B(7), -7C (August 8, 2011)
North Sanpete School District
Procedure Number: VI-49
Effective Date: 11/01/2019
Instructional Material of Concern
Recommendation to Resolve Concern
Complaint initiated by ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________________________________________ State _______________________ Zip ______________
Complaint Represents:
Self ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Organization ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________ ________________
Signature of Complainant Date
North Sanpete School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs.
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