Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VI-35: Textbook Selection and Adoption

North Sanpete School District
Statement of ............. 

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: VI-35
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Textbook Selection and Adoption


It is the policy of the North Sanpete Board of Education to provide a wide range of instructional materials on varying levels of difficulty, with diversity of appeal and points of view.


  1. All textbooks that are adopted shall comply with the Utah State Office of Education rules and regulations and shall be on the approved textbook list.
  2. A regular schedule of adoption shall be established and followed so that a continuous upgrading of the textbooks will take place.
  3. A committee of administrators and faculty members shall review available texts and make recommendations to the Superintendent as to the textbook that is to be approved.
  4. Public notice shall be given through the media that a new textbook will be adopted at a specific school board meeting, and that the proposed new adoption may be reviewed at the school district office. The public may make recommendations to the school board.
  5. The Superintendent shall present to the Board of Education the list of recommended textbooks for their formal approval.

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