Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VI-27: Field Trips

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: VI-27
Effective Date: 09/12/1990
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Field Trips


The Board approves of and encourages field trips for educational purposes when such trips are property planned and have prior approval of the school and district administration.


  1. The educational purposes for field trips must be determined by the principal prior to submission of a request for transportation.
  2. It the principal approves of the trip, the bus, request form shall be submitted to the district office at least one week prior to the trip.
  3. The teacher sponsoring the field trip is responsible to represent to the principal the following items:
  4. Educational objectives of the trip.
  5. Duration of the trip.
  6. Names of adults who will serve as supervisors.
  7. Plans for evaluating the activity.
  8. Transportation for field trips will be. provided by the school district. Only buses shall be used for field trips. Students shall not be transported on field trips in -private automobiles.
  9. The parents of all students to be taken on a field trip shall be notified of the purpose of the trip, the destination of the trip, and the duration of the trip. Parents shall have the prerogative to notify the school administration that they choose to have their student remain in school.


TO: Principals
DATE: 19 December 1994
FROM: Jim Thornton
SUBJECT: Field Trip Guidelines

It is the intent of the Board of Education that field trips be an extension of the educational experiences of the classroom. Field trips are conducted according to Board Policy VI 27. Guidelines and procedures for approval of field trips are outlined in this policy.

  1. Field trips for secondary (grades 7-12) have not been placed under quota. Principals and teachers are asked to be aware of budget constraints.
  2. Field trips for elementary are limited. As per discussion of administrative council at least one field trip for each student can be provided each school year.
  3. The number of bus miles for your school is established by the October 1st enrollment count of three bus miles per student.
  4. The bus miles accumulated within the district for school-to-school functions, such as the high school musical, science fairs, and other similar programs will not be charged to your field trip miles.

I hope that changing to bus miles rather than field trip busses per year will be easier to understand and to track.

cc: Supt. Dennis Mower, Board of Education

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