Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VI-16: Acceleration / Retention

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North Sanpete School District                                                                                                                                     Policy Number: VI-16

Statement of .............                                                                                                                                                       Effective Date: 10/18/2011

                                                                                                                                                                                       Revised Date: 05/21/2024

Board Policy with Guidelines

Subject: Acceleration / Retention


The Philosophy of the District is that all students can learn. Effort shall be

made to assure that students move through the school system in a

continuous manner which is best practice and research based. Students

are expected to progress with their age and grade level peers.

Suggestions for acceleration or retention of a student, which will place

that student in a learning environment other than with own-age peers,

can be made by a parent/guardian or educator.


A. Decisions will be based upon a careful study of individual student

needs. If acceleration or retention is proposed, the decision must be

determined through an educational team (IEP team for special

education students) convened to discuss the area of development

outlined in this policy. The school principal, child’s teacher, school

counselor, child’s parent, and a representative from the District Office

shall be included on the educational team to make decisions about

acceleration or retention of a student.

B. The areas of the student’s growth which must be considered before

recommending acceleration or retention are academic progress, social

development, emotional development, physical development,

attendance, and placements/interventions.


A. The educational team will consider the student’s academic progress,

including but not limited to:

   1. whether a student has mastery of grade level expectations

   2. a summary of test score data

   3. the teacher’s observation of the child’s classroom performance

   4. achievement on daily work in basic skills areas

B. The educational team will consider the student’s social/emotional

development, including, but not limited to:

   1. the child’s attitude toward school

   2. the child’s peer and adult relationships

   3. the child’s behavior in a school setting

   4. the child’s attention span and task commitment

   5. the child’s confidence in school

C. The educational team will consider the student’s physical

development, including but not limited to:

   1. the child’s gross and fine motor coordination

   2. the child’s physical ability to perform expected tasks

   3. health factors

   4. the student’s age in relationship to other students in the grade


D. The educational team will consider the student’s attendance, including

but not limited to:

   1. gaps in learning due to illness/excessive absences

   2. whether there was a change of school or other factors that

    created learning problems

E. The educational team will consider any alternative

placements/interventions, including but not limited to:

   1. previous alternative grade placement (transition room,

     developmental kindergarten, or grade level retentions)

   2. other interventions that have been attempted (additional

     instructional time for math or reading, extended year or

     extended day programs, language instruction, etc.)

F. A parent or guardian requesting that their child remain in preschool for

an additional year after turning 5 will need to have the approval of the

educational team. The educational team will consider the student’s

academic progress, including but not limited to:

   1. student birthday- must be after June 1st of the current school


   2. whether student has mastery of grade level expectations

      compared to peers socially, emotionally, and behaviorally

   3. supported evidence of educational need from teacher i.e.,

      observations, classroom performance, achievement on daily

      work in basic skills areas

   4. special needs have been identified

G. Students entering preschool must show a certified copy of a birth

certificate and immunization records. A physical examination including

a vision screening is recommended.


A. The educational team shall develop a plan for a child who is

accelerated or retained to ensure success for the following school

year. The plan should include:

   1. Grade level expectations to be addressed both at school and at


   2. Suggested program placements and instructional procedures,

       i.e., learning styles, delivery systems, classroom placement.

   3. Additional support services to be provided for the student.


A. If the educational team’s recommendation is contrary to what the

parent/guardian may desire, the parent/guardian may appeal the

decision to the Superintendent, or designee, within two weeks of the

team’s recommendation. The Superintendent, or designee, will review

the educational team’s decision and determine, based on the

information provided to the educational team and any additional

information provided by the parent/guardian in the appeal, whether

the educational team’s decision should be reversed. The

Superintendent’s decision is final.

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