Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VI-06: Vocational Education

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: VI-6
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Vocational Education


Vocational education shall be an integral part of the comprehensive high school concept in force for this district and of the general program of education in the high school. Vocational education shall be geared to take into account technological and economic conditions and changes, and as a core component of

comprehensive education, shall share with other aspects of the curriculum the purpose of development of character and attitudes as well as skills.


  1. Guidance and counseling services shall be provided each vocational student throughout his or her academic program and when the time comes for placement in his or her chosen career.
  2. The Board shall provide for the continuing function of a district wide vocational education council, which will serve as the coordinating body with the district administration, and the Board and the respective vocational education programs.
  3. A close cooperative arrangement shall be developed and maintained with Snow College. The purpose of this arrangement is to provide in depth vocational training experiences for students in areas that are not available or are too costly for the school district to carry. Only bonified vocational education majors shall be permitted to participate in this advance placement program.

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