Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed
Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed
Angela Thompson • February 2, 2023
Dear Parents,
I want to remind you that the SHARP survey will be administered February 6-13 for those parents that have given permission for their students to take this survey. The survey will be administered in digital format to approved students grades 8, 10, and 12 (see more information below). The survey will take students about 30 minutes to complete. Just to clarify, this is a survey that is not given to any student unless parents have given prior permission and any student that has permission may refuse to take the survey or any given question, it is completely voluntary.
The permission form for this survey was included as part of the online registration process before school started in August. This was months ago, so I want to make sure you have the opportunity and time to check what permission you gave to the district regarding this survey. Please contact our district office at 435-462-2485 to know what permission was given if you do not know how you responded during the registration process. I have included two flyers that may help you better understand this survey tool and also included a link to the survey questions for your review. Please contact the district office if you have specific questions.
The decision to participate in the SHARP survey is—and has always been— a local one. For all districts, this decision is made by parents, students, and the local education authority only. It has never been made by the USBE. Funding and administration of SHARP are provided by the Utah Department of Health and Human Services (UDHHS).
Schools and districts are encouraged to remain committed to using this nationally validated survey that provides schools, public health, parents, and policy makers with critical data about adolescents’ risk and protective factors for suicide; drug and substance use; and mental, emotional, physical, and social health. In 2021, nearly 80,000 Utah parents recognized the value of information from this survey and gave permission for their children to take it. UDHHS expects parental support to continue like it has for almost 20 years. Since the survey began, 40 of the 41 school districts in Utah have participated. UDHHS will continue to administer the SHARP survey to make sure we are prepared to meet the needs of Utah’s children and adolescents.
Why is the SHARP survey so important?
The SHARP survey has provided live-saving insight into topics affecting our youth and identified the needs of Utah’s children and adolescents for nearly 20 years. This has helped public health and policy makers prioritize funding and services to schools and communities to address social and emotional health, behaviors that put students at risk, substance use, chronic health problems, and more. The SHARP survey is the only nationally validated tool used statewide. It gathers local-level data on these critical topics and drives effective, evidence-based prevention services and policies. Data from the survey helps schooladministrators, teachers, public health, community leaders, and families identify the health and safety needs of Utah students.
Some of the successes UDHHS has had using data from the SHARP survey include:
Many LEAs and school districts rely on data collected in the survey to justify funding requests. The Utah State Legislature does not require LEAs to use the SHARP survey but does use SHARP data to make policy and funding decisions.
I hope this information helps you make informed decisions.
Take care and be safe,
North Sanpete School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs.
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