Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VII-03: Staff Participation in Community Activities

North Sanpete School District
Statement of ............. 

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: VII-3
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Staff Participation in Community Activities


Members of the professional staff shall be encouraged to taken an active part in the affairs of the North Sanpete School District. The school and community should not be considered separate and apart, but as working as a unified whole in the educative progress. Through dynamic leadership, many avenues may be opened for building community support.


  1. The Superintendent especially is urged to identify himself/herself personally with the many facets of community life, providing opportunities for all citizens--including nonparents--to experience relationships with the schools.
  2. The principal as the leader of his or her school is encouraged to be an active and leading member of the school community.
  3. The teacher, or the degree to which the teacher is known and accepted as a citizen of the community, has a direct relationship with the degree of understanding and goodwill flowing from the community to the schools.
  4. The Board recognizes that teachers and other employees of the school district have a dual role in their relations with the public which complicates decisions from time to time concerning responsibility. Teachers, especially, may have to decide between their responsibilities as professionals employed by the school system on the one hand or as members of the community on the other hand when differences of opinion arise concerning goals or operations of the schools.
  5. The Board believes that the First Amendment rights of teachers and other employees must be protected. The Board also believes that the schools and Board should not be subject to unfair, unwarranted, or malicious attacks from within. To help achieve these two goals, the Board instructs the administration to confer and work with employees or employee groups.

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