Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VI-45: Student Education Plan (S.E.P.) and Student Education and Occupation Plan (S.E.O.P.)

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: VI-45
Effective Date: 10/08/1996
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Student Education Plan (S.E.P.) and Student Education and Occupation Plan (S.E.O.P.)


It is the policy of the North Sanpete School District that students will have the knowledge and skills to take responsibility for their decisions and make appropriate choices. This requires that reliable, useful, and timely data on student progress is available to the parents, educators, and students. The vehicle to accomplish this is the Student Education Plan (S.E.P.) for grades K-6 and the Student Education and Occupation Plan (S.E.O.P.) for grades 7-12.


Elementary schools shall hold at least two annual individual SEP conferences for each student K-6. The student, parent or guardian, and school personnel, usually the teacher, will be involved in each conference. The conference will include provisions for recognizing the student's accomplishments and strengths and focusing on education and career development goals and progress.

  1. The elementary school SEP for each student shall contain; evidence of at least two annual conferences involving the student, parent or guardian and school personnel; identified accomplishments and strengths goals; relevant data about the student's progress student, parent/guardian, and educator responsibilities for managing and monitoring student development.
  2. Secondary school shall hold one individual and one small group SEOP conference each year. The student, parent or guardian, and school personnel, usually the teacher or counselor, will be involved in the conference. The conference will establish by the 9th grade or soon thereafter the student's intent towards early graduation and appropriate planning for this. A student shall have a current SEOP on file in order to participate in any concurrent enrollment program. Board approved Interest and Aptitude testing will occur prior to grade 11, as outlined in the Comprehensive Guidance Plan of the North Sanpete Middle School and the North Sanpete High School. Each student's plan shall identify an area of concentration, which may be as many as four or five units in a cluster related to the student’s post-secondary goal.
  3. The conference will include provisions for recognizing the student’s accomplishments and strengths and focusing on education and career development goals and progress. Where appropriate, the conference will include job/education placement plans; consideration of graduation requirements; consideration of post-secondary goals; and attention to the attainment of workplace skills and competencies.
  4. The secondary school SEOP shall contain evidence of at least one individual and one small group SEOP conference each year involving the student, parent, or guardian, and school personnel. The document will identify: the student’s accomplishments and strengths; an area of concentration in a cluster related to the student’s post-secondary goal; the student’s intention, by or after the 9th grade, to graduate early and planning for that intention; an indication on the SEOP if a course is to be taken for concurrent credit; education/occupation plans and job placement (when appropriate); board approval testing; attainment of workplace competencies; and a post-secondary goal.
  5. Time to implement the above SEP/SEOP conferences will be incorporated into the school year. Training for school personnel involved in the SEP/SEOP process will be conducted regularly.

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