Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VI-44: Alternative Language Program

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: VI-44
Effective Date: 06/12/1994
Revised Date: 03/15/2016

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Subject: Alternative Language Program

North Sanpete School District (NSSD) shall implement services for students who are English Learners or have English Second Language needs (EL/ESL). The District’s program shall consist of the following components:

  1. Identification and placement of English Learners (ELs).
  2. Language acquisition instruction services to assist ELs in becoming proficient in the English Language.
  3. Improvement of the North Sanpete School District’s ELL/ESL programs should the district fail to meet progress goals established by the State Office of Education.
  4. Provision of required notices to parents regarding the NSSD ELL programs.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-716-4 (April 3, 2006)

Alternative Language Procedures: (current draft)

Identification and Placement of English Learners (ELs). See Utah Admin. Rules R277-716-4A, F (April 3, 2006).

Each school in the District shall implement measures to identify and place EL/LEP students as part of its student registration process. These measures shall include:

  1. The use of the “Primary Language Other Than English” questions (PHLOTE) during registration to check for languages spoken in the home. If another language other than English is indicated, then either prior WIDA scores are obtained or the W-APT screener – an assessment of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension of English) is administered.
  2. The placement of the student into the program is communicated to:
  • The parents through a letter (in both English and Spanish).
  • The faculty through the ELL Coordinator/Principal.
  • The students through the ELL Coordinator/Counselor.
  1. Measures to prevent classifying ELL students as students with disabilities based on the student’s limited English proficiency rather than on disability.
  2. Measures to appropriately assess the special education needs of students with disabilities who are also EL students.

Provision of Language Acquisition Instruction Services to assist designated ELL students in becoming proficient in the English Language until the student meets the exit criteria from alternative language services. See Utah Admin. Rules R277-716-4A(2), B(3) (April 3, 2006).

These services will consist of:

  1. Language Development programs used in a pull-out system.
  2. The use of SIOP strategies in the mainstream classes.
  3. Individualized instruction with an ELL instructor according to student’s needs

A plan for improvement of the NSSD’s District’s ELL/ESL programs should the district fail to meet progress goals established by the State Office of Education. See Utah Admin. Rules R277-716-4C, D (April 3, 2006).

The plan will consist of the following:

Aside from State assessment results, regular evaluation of the following:
Secondary school level considerations:

  1. Graduation rate of EL students.
  2. Drop-out rate of EL students.
  3. Percentage of SEOP attendance.
  4. Formative assessments throughout the year.
  5. Progress monitoring data.
  6. Number of EL students that exit the program.

Elementary school level considerations:

  1. Progress monitory data.
  2. Team meetings where assessment data is evaluated weekly and interventions are adjusted.

Procedures for providing required communication and notices to parents regarding the NSSD ELL/ESL programs. See Utah Admin. Rules R277-716-4G(2) (April 3, 2006).

Communication with Parents and Community

Each school in the North Sanpete School District shall provide interpretation and translation services as needed for parents at registration, IEP meetings, SEOP meetings, parent-teacher conferences, and student disciplinary meetings.

The District shall provide the following notices in connection with its alternative language program:

  1. The District shall notify parents who are not proficient in English regarding the District’s responsibility to:
  2. Identify EL students.
  3. Assess students’ English proficiency
  4. Provide English language acquisition instruction to EL students whose level of English proficiency warrants such services
  5. Provide interpretation and translation services as needed for parents at registration, IEP meetings, SEOP meetings, parent-teacher conferences, and student disciplinary meetings.
  6. The District shall provide an annual notice to the parent(s) of each student who is placed into the District’s English language acquisition program, which includes:
  7. The student’s level of proficiency.
  8. How that level was assessed.
  9. The status of the student’s academic achievement.
  10. The methods of instruction to be used to improve proficiency and how such methods will help the student learn English.
  11. The specific exit requirements for the program.
  12. In the event that the annual State Title III Accountability Report – Annual Measureable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) from the State Office of Education states that the North Sanpete School District has failed to meet the levels of progress required by the State Office of Education, the District shall within 30 days of receipt of the report notify parent(s) of EL students of that finding. See Utah Admin. Rules R277-716-4G (April 3, 2006).

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