Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VI-43: Home School

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: VI-43
Effective Date: 11/15/1984
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Home School


The Board of Education, North Sanpete School District, encourages parents or guardians of all students, who reside within the boundaries of the school district, to send their children to the established public school system. The Board recognizes the right of parent/guardian to select alternate schools.

Section 53-24 of the Utah Code charges each local Board of Education with a responsibility with respect to all home instruction within the boundaries of the school district.

The informal opinion of the State Attorney General's office, 1183-20, dated June 8, 1983 further interprets the duties of the local board of education.


  1. These guidelines are in relationship to the state law and the Attorney General's opinion.
  2. Parents are required to notify the School District in writing, on an annual basis, of their intent to formulate a Home School for their children, and to identify, by names, those students involved.
  3. The local Board of Education has the responsibility of determining whether or not any home school, within the confines of the district's boundaries, gives the equivalent instruction as required in public schools. Home School students will need to participate in the annual achievement testing program of the public schools to assess sufficiency of education.
  4. The State Board of Education requires school to be held 180 days each year and within the hours as follows: one-half day for kindergarten, four and one-half hours per day or 22.5 hours per week for grades one and two; five and one-half hours per day or 27.5 hours per week for grades three through twelve.
  5. The courses of instruction required in the elementary schools are reading, language arts, mathematics, science, music, art, social studies, and physical education. Courses of instruction required at the secondary level are contained in the Board's policy on high school graduation.
  6. Teachers in home schools are not required to be certificated; but, must, in the opinion of the local school officials, be capable of educating their students on a qualitative par with public schools.
  7. The Board of Education reserves the right to place students, who return to the public school system, in the grade that in the judgment of the Board best meets the individual needs and abilities of each student.
  8. When students are placed in a home school and return to the public school, the Board of Education provides no guarantee for the awarding of a high school diploma.
  9. Curriculum materials may be loaned to the home by the district. The student and the parents have the responsibility for obtaining these and returning them to the school. A book deposit is required.
  10. While the state law does not require the local district to provide extra-curricular activities for Home School children, it seems in the best interest of such children, to allow them to participate in such activities. The district does not, however, bear the burden of notifying these students of such activities. Home students would also be expected to abide by the standards and rules pertaining to these activities as required by regularly enrolled students.
  11. It is the intent of the Board of Education to act in a responsible, cooperative manner to insure all children an adequate education.

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