Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VI-42: Maintenance and Control of Instructional Materials

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: VI-42
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:

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Subject:   Maintenance and Control of Instructional Materials


All instructional materials and equipment of the district shall be classified and catalogued according to an acceptable system. Textbooks shall be made available to all children in sufficient quantity and at appropriate levels so that they are optimally useful to each child, and so that every teacher can meet both the planned curriculum sequence of the district and the special instructional needs of the children.


  1. All textbooks purchased by and in the possession of the district shall be and remain district property. Principals shall be responsible for textbooks assigned to teachers, and for conducting an inventory of all books at the end of the school year.
  2. Each teacher shall keep an accurate record of books issued to his/her pupils. The parents/guardian of children using a district textbook shall be responsible should a book be damaged or lost. When a textbook is lost, the pupil responsible shall be required to pay for another copy.
  3. Every book issued shall bear the stamp of the district.
  4. All media materials and equipment shall be adequately maintained. Obsolete materials and worn-out equipment will be replaced on a regular basis.

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