Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VI-40A: Alternative Education Procedure

 North Sanpete School District
Alternative Education Procedure
January 9, 2017

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North Sanpete School District will provide alternative education options for students based on resources available and student need. All alternative education options are required to follow IDEA, 504 and other applicable state and federal laws.

Students or parents interested in accessing alternative education will set-up a meeting with the school principal to explore the following options:

  • School Choice – desire to attend another district school.
  • Home Study – NSSD provides online resources students and parents can access from home.
  • SOAR – Students access online education at Pleasant Creek School.
  • Transfers to SOAR will be coordinated through school at-risk teams.
  • IEP student transfers to SOAR will be made by the IEP team.
  • Adult Education – Adult students earn their GED through Pleasant Creek.


Students and parents meet with the principal. For school choice, the principal helps the parents complete the appropriate paperwork for school board consideration. To access all other options, the parent and student meet with the principal, a teacher familiar with the student, counselor if secondary, Special Ed teacher if an IEP student, a representative from the program being considered to provide information and a district representative to ensure available resources. The team will make a decision based on available resources and the needs of the student.

Students needing options part-time or short-term, that remain enrolled in their assigned school and receive needed assistance (online, homebound, etc.) through their school. Other students will receive services through Pleasant Creek School.

  • SOAR students will meet daily at Pleasant Creek School. Students must make adequate progress and maintain good attendance to continue. IEP student placement decisions will be made by the student’s IEP team.
  • Home Study and Adult Ed services will each have their own room at Pleasant Creek School Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 4:00 – 6:00 pm
  • Tests must be proctored at Pleasant Creek for credit to be recorded.
  • Subject specialist teachers, special education services, etc. will be provided during this time as needed.
  • Parents will accompany students to provide continuity at home.
  • Students (and parents) will develop timelines with staff to maintain adequate annual progress.
  • Elementary students WPU = LA.5, math .25, & science .25.
  • Secondary students WPU = .25 per class up to 1.0 considered full-time.
  • Full-time home served students may qualify for additional services to include, technology, additional tutoring programs, etc.
  • Students transferring with uncompleted courses may:
  • Maintain partial enrollment in NSSD until completion.
  • Continue the course through the new school.
  • Drop the course and lose the part completed (out of state).

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