Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VI-40: Alternative Education Options

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: VI-40
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date: 02/21/2017

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Subject:  Alternative Education Options


The Board of Education recognizes that the educational process does not stop at any prescribed grade or age, but is a life-long process. Programs for high school completion, alternative educational options as well as for general information, shall be provided on a funds available basis.


  1. For students or parents desiring to consider alternative education options rather than attendance at their assigned school need to meet with their school principal. School choice paperwork must be completed to request a school outside of the assigned attendance area. For alternative placement (online services, SOAR, Adult Ed, etc.) the principal will invite the service provider to the meeting to help students and parents fully understand the options. The parent, student, principal, teacher team will make the decision based on the best interest of the student. Space available, services available such as IEP and 504 accommodations along with other student needs will be considered in the discussion. The following procedures need to be followed:
  2. Obtain written recommendation from the school principal that the student be allowed to attend an alternative education program.
  3. Parents must sign that they are requesting the change.
  4. Adult high school completion students may register for adult classes by paying the regular fee.
  5. Adult high school completion students may receive their adult high school graduation diploma after they have successfully completed the prescribed course of study for adult students. This may be done at a regularly scheduled school board meeting or at the regular high school graduation.
  6. SOAR students will be accepted on a space available basis. IEP teams will make placement decisions based on what is best for IEP served students. SOAR students may be expected to earn a minimum amount of credit each term, attend regularly and meet other program requirements to remain in the program.
  7. Students and parents requesting full-time online services will be provided assistance according to USBE rules.

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