Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

VI-15: Work Experience Opportunities

North Sanpete School District
Statement of ............. 

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: VI-15
Effective Date: 05/13/1985
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Work Experience Opportunities


Whenever possible, actual work experience will be incorporated into all programs of high school students. Actual work experience will take the form of cooperative work-study. In all instances, programs providing practical work experience shall be organized and conducted solely for the purpose of providing the students with a valuable training experience.


  1. The program shall be conducted according to the most recent State Board of Education SECONDARY COOPERATIVE VOCATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAM STANDARDS.
  2. The teacher/coordinator shall insure that all of the forms required in the State Standards are properly completed, signed, and placed on file for each student. The proper class roll books shall be and shall include all pertinent information concerning each COOP student.
  3. The district form, TEACHER/COORDINATOR REPORT OF COOPERATIVE VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND PAYMENT REQUEST VOUCHER, shall be maintained listing the personal visits to the training station and will be submitted by the teacher to the district office. The completed form will be used to determine the compensation the teacher/coordinator shall receive.
  4. The teacher/coordinator shall evaluate the individual student's COOP work experience and award a pass/fail grade. The teacher/coordinator shall provide the counselor's office with the grade information in order that the proper grade may be placed on the student's transcript.
  5. Credit will be issued to cooperative vocational education students on the same time basis as classes in the regular program. State standards allow ten (10) hours per week as the maximum amount for COOP credit.
  6. The teacher/coordinator shall be compensated at the following rate and according to the following provisions: Weighted Pupil Unit X .085 for each student, per year.

This rate shall compensate the teacher/coordinator for the time and travel necessary for proper program development and coordination as outlined in the State Standards.

Payment to teacher/coordinators shall be made upon completing all required information identified herein and submission of the completed district TEACHER/COORDINATOR REPORT OF COOPERATIVE VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND PAYMENT REQUEST VOUCHER. Payment shall be made as soon as practical after the State
Board has verified the final enrollment data. (Past experience indicates that this verification takes place during the month of July following the completion of the school year).

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