Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

V-46: College Course Work / Concurrent Enrollment

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............   

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: V-46
Effective Date: 09/12/2006
Revised Date:

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Subject: College Course Work / Concurrent Enrollment


Students enrolled in grades 9-12 shall be permitted to earn credit toward high school graduation for completing college-level courses provided by institutions of higher education that are within the Utah System of Higher Education.


  1. To be eligible to enroll and be awarded credit toward state graduation requirements, a student shall have the approval of the high school principal or other school official designated by the district, and must have a current SEP/SEOP on file with the high school.
  2. The course(s) for which credit is awarded shall provide advanced academic instruction beyond or in greater depth than the essential elements. The High School may use a variety of means to determine to what extent the essential elements are provided. Utah Admin Rules R277-713-3C (March 2005)
  3. The student is responsible for expenses and arrangements associated with college enrollment. The student may apply for a fee waiver if appropriate under the District fee waiver policy for class-related costs including consumables, lab fees, copies, materials and textbooks. Utah Code Ann 53A-]5-i0i6), (2006) Utah Admin Rules R277-713-6 (March 2005)

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