Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

V-40: Comprehensive Tobacco and/or Nicotine Products Prevention and Control

North Sanpete School District
Statement of…………………….

Board Policy With Guidelines

Policy Number: V-40
Effective Date: 03/10/2004
Revised Date: 07/18/2018

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Subject: Comprehensive Tobacco and/or Nicotine Products Prevention and Control


The North Sanpete School District shall be in compliance with Utah Code 76-10-105, and the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act.  The District prohibits the use, possession, and sale of tobacco, tobacco paraphernalia, and nicotine products as well as the distribution of tobacco products, tobacco/nicotine promotion materials, and nicotine products including clothing which promotes tobacco and/or nicotine products on school property, which includes the 1000 feet surrounding school property, in school vehicles and at school-sponsored events, at all times by all persons. Also, Utah Code 76-10-106 makes it unlawful for any person under 19 years of age to possess tobacco in any form. The District also prohibits the use, possession, sale, and distribution of electronic cigarettes and vaporizers by students and employees on school property, in school vehicles, and at school sponsored events. For the purposes of this policy, tobacco products, tobacco paraphernalia, nicotine products, tobacco/nicotine promotion materials, electronic cigarettes, vaporizers and associated paraphernalia is referred to herein as “Prohibited Material.” 


A. Procedures for elementary schools: The school principal or his/her designee will insure that the following procedures are followed.

1. First incident:

a.  Determine whether child possesses or is using Prohibited Material and confiscate it. If the child does not voluntarily allow the school principal or his/her designee to search the child’s belongings, the school principal or his/her designee will search the child’s belongings in accordance with District Policy V-33.

b.  A conference is mandated with principal, parent/guardian and child as soon as possible.

c.  Refer to school counselor, prevention specialist, nurse, and/or DARE officer for counseling, depending on what would be best for the child in the child’s particular circumstances.

2.  Second incident:

a.  Determine whether child possesses or is using Prohibited Material and confiscate it. If the child does not voluntarily allow the school principal or his/her designee to search the child’s belongings, the school principal or his/her designee will search the child’s belongings in accordance with District Policy V-33. A conference is mandated with principal, parent/guardian and child as soon as possible.

b.  Refer to school counselor, prevention specialist, nurse, or DARE officer, depending on what would be best for the child in the child’s particular circumstances.

B. Procedures for middle and high school: The school principal or his/her designee will insure that the following procedures are followed.

1. For each incident:

a. Confiscate Prohibited Material and secure in principal’s or designee’s office. If the student does not voluntarily allow the school principal or his/her designee to search the child’s belongings, the school principal or his/her designee will search the child’s belongings in accordance with District Policy V-33.

b. Notify parent/guardian for mandated conference with principal/student/parent as soon as possible.

c. Refer to school counselor, nurse, prevention specialist, or resource officer for follow-up support, assessment and tobacco prevention education and/or cessation program.

d. If the student refuses to participate in the referred interventions identified in paragraph c above, the student will be referred to the court.

2.  On the fourth such incident, in addition to those steps outlined in procedure #1 above, the student and parent/guardian will be required to meet with a hearing committee to decide the question of appropriate school placement. The hearing committee will be comprised of a counselor, a school administrator, a district administrator, a court representative, and a teacher. The student's case will be presented to the committee. After the hearing, the committee will make suggestions within 48 hours as to possible consequences that may include alternative placements or school dismissal.

3.  Any student in violation of this policy must further comply with the penalties and guidelines of the student organization to which they belong as stated in the most current handbook.

4.  Students who enroll in a tobacco cessation program will:

a.  Be provided tobacco prevention/control related education materials.

b.  Be provided support through the guidance counselor and referred to tobacco cessation opportunities, a substance abuse counselor, or a person trained in tobacco prevention and control.

C. Others:

1. Prohibited Materials are not allowed on school property or at school functions for anyone, including employees. If an employee violates this policy, that employee will meet with the building principal or superintendent to determine consequences that may include leave without pay or dismissal.

2. Other persons in violation with this policy will be immediately informed of this policy and state law and directed to cease violations by the supervisor in charge of that function.

3. Any person suspected of selling or distributing tobacco and/or nicotine products to students will be referred to the law enforcement officials.

D. Notification of policy:

1. The North Sanpete School District's Tobacco and/or Nicotine Products and Control Policy will be printed in employee and student handbooks, posted on the web page, on main school entrances, in appropriate locations throughout the schools and be displayed prominently at the entrances to athletic events and in appropriate employee work areas.

2. Parents/guardians will be sent notification in writing of the policy in an appropriate mailing at the beginning of the school year.

E. Educational support of policy:

1.  All North Sanpete School District students in grades K-12 will be presented age-appropriate tobacco prevention instruction through district adopted sequential curricula.

2.  All students and employees will be referred to support tobacco cessation classes to help prevent and control tobacco and/or nicotine addiction.

3.  The North Sanpete School District is committed to the involvement of community and families in the prevention and control of tobacco and/or nicotine product use.

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