Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

V-35: Substance Abuse

North Sanpete School District
Statement of ............. 

Board Policy with Guidelines                 

Policy Number: V-35
Effective Date: 05/10/1994
Revised Date: 07/17/2018

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Subject: Substance Abuse (Drugs and Alcohol)


Students develop best academically, emotionally, socially, and physically when their bodies and minds are free of harmful substances. Utah Criminal Code Sec. 32-7-16-4 makes it unlawful for any person under 21 years of age to purchase, consume or possess any alcoholic beverage.

Utah Criminal Code Sec. 58-37-4 makes it a serious violation to use, possess or distribute any controlled substance. Marijuana, prescription drugs, and certain other known hallucinogens, among other things, are controlled substances. Prescription drugs that are not prescribed to the person taking them are prohibited by state law and this policy. Throughout this policy, all of the above drugs are referred to as drugs or controlled substances interchangeably, and mean the same thing. 

It is the intent of North Sanpete School District to create the conditions for the establishment of drug and alcohol free schools and to guide students who use controlled substances to appropriate resources for help with their problem.

Accordingly, there will be a designated educator in each school who has received training regarding recognition and referral of students using controlled substances. Any person or educator who has reasonable cause to believe that a student at the public school where he/she is employed has committed a prohibited act shall immediately report the act to the school's designated educator. The Principal or Vice Principal at each school is the designated educator.

Violations relating to drugs and alcohol will be reported to the appropriate court or law enforcement agency.


A. First Offense

1.   If a student is in possession of a controlled substance or alcohol, or is under the influence of such substance, the designated educator of the school will initiate the following:

2.  Immediately notify the parents and arrange a conference with the student and parent.

3.  Immediately report the abuse to the court or law enforcement agency with recommendations.

4.  The student may remain in school. If the parent/guardian does not come in for a conference then the student will be suspended until such time as the parent does meet with the designated educator: Parents will be notified of this suspension.

5.  Student will not be eligible for participation in or attendance at any extra-curricular activity for the next 5 school days.

B.  Second Offense

1.  Immediately notify the parents.

2.  Report the abuse to the court or law enforcement agency.

3.  Court may require attendance of parent and student at substance abuse school or counseling services provided by either Mental Health or the School District.

4.  Student will not be eligible for participation in or attendance at any extra-curricular activities for the next 5 school days.

C.  Subsequent Offense

1.  Immediately notify the parents.

2.  Report the abuse to the court or law enforcement agency.

3.  Student is placed in a home study setting for a period of up to nine weeks and completes contract terms as determined by the Administrator. Assignments may be made through the Alternative Learning Center and students may work with an assigned educator for tutoring or help with work.

4.  Students are barred from participation in or attendance at school activities and may not be on school grounds at any time (except as noted above) until the conditions set forth in item c above are completed.


A. Any Offense

1.  Any offense involving sale or distribution of a controlled substance is treated as outlined in the third offense above. The designated educator will suspend said student and a conference will be held with parents to determine home study program.


A.  Upon observing any student of the North Sanpete School District or other persons under the age of 21 possessing, using, or distributing, alcohol, or a controlled substance, on or near school property, school personnel are encouraged to comply with the following procedure:

B.  School personnel shall inform the student that he or she is in violation of the district drug and alcohol policy including state law and request the student go to the office to meet with the principal.

C. School personnel shall collect any evidence of use of the illegal substance (i.e., beverage containers) and accompany the student to the office.

D.  School personnel shall document the date, time and place the violation occurred.

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