Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

V-29: Credit Acceptance and Grades Awarded by Accredited Schools

North Sanpete School District
Statement of…………………….   

Board Policy With Guidelines

Policy Number: V-29
Effective Date: 12/12/1995
Revised Date: 10/10/2006

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Subject: Credit Acceptance and Grades Awarded by Accredited Schools

The North Sanpete Board of Education in compliance with State Law 53A-13-108.5 establishes the following policy and guidelines.


North Sanpete School District and district secondary schools shall accept credits and grades awarded to a student by a school or provider accredited or approved by the State Board of Education or accredited or recognized by the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools as issued by the school without alterations. This policy applies to credit awarded to a student who: (a) transfers to a district school; or (b) while enrolled in another accredited public school or private school.


  1. Credit shall be awarded for:
  2. traditional classes in which an instructor is present and attendance is required for a particular length of time;
  3. open entry/open exit classes in which the student has flexibility to begin or end study at any time, progress through course material at his own pace, and demonstrate competency, as evaluated by the school or district, when knowledge and skill have been mastered;
  4. courses offered over the Internet; or
  5. distant learning courses;
  6. transfer credits for successfully competed courses from the Utah Electronic High School.
  7. Credits awarded for a core curriculum course shall be applied to fulfilling core curriculum requirements.
  8. North Sanpete District secondary schools have the final decision making authority for the awarding of credit and grades from non- accredited sources consistent with sate law, due process, and State Administrative Rule R277-705-3. Methods designated by the school for students to earn credit from non-traditional sources may include:
  9. Satisfaction of coursework by demonstrated competency, as evaluated at the school.
  10. Assessment as proctored and determined at the school.
  11. Review of student work or projects by the school.
  12. Satisfaction of electronic or correspondence coursework as approved at the school. 

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