Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

V-13: Student Demonstrations and Strikes

North Sanpete School District
Statement of ............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: V-13
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:

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Subject:  Student Demonstrations and Strikes


To insure the orderly process of education and business affairs connected with the schools and the safety of persons and property, the Board directs that the procedures below be followed in case of any type of disruptive demonstration on school property or within school buildings.

This policy is not intended to discourage or prohibit the peaceful expression of opinions or ideas concerning the North Sanpete School District. However, since the Board is required by law to provide proper school facilities and to maintain an appropriate program of instruction, and is further required to bar any disruption of the schools or interference with their normal operation, the following steps shall be taken in the event of any disruption of the normal operations of the schools.


  1. The disruption shall be immediately brought to the attention of the Superintendent or his representative by the administrative head of the school. The Superintendent or his representative shall have the authority, at his discretion, to alert the police authorities.
  2. Students participating in a disruptive demonstration shall be directed by the building principal or his representative to go to their regular classroom assignment. At the same time, the principal or his representative will arrange for a meeting between the administration and the individuals, leaders of a group, or the group, if feasible, to discuss in a rational, orderly manner the problem which has caused the disorder.
  3. Non-student demonstrators and other unauthorized persons will be directed by the building principal or his representative to remove themselves from school property forthwith.
  4. In the event steps 2 and/or 3 fail to stop the demonstration, the Superintendent or his representative will ask the police to remove the demonstrators and any individuals failing to comply under step 3.
  5. When necessary for their safety, students and staff may be directed to leave the building and school property.
  6. At no time, while any demonstration is in process, is the Superintendent or any school or Board personnel to enter into negotiations on the issues with the protesters, either orally or in written form.
  7. As soon as normal educational and business processes can be resumed, the Superintendent or his representative shall be charged with establishing communications with the leaders of the protesting group in order to resolve their requests or to refer them to the Board in an orderly manner.
  8. Students and/or employees participating in a disruptive demonstration on school grounds will be subject to suspension.

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