Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

V-02: Graduation Requirements Policy

North Sanpete School District

Statement of .............................

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: V-02
Effective Date: 02/15/2022
Revised Date: 

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Subject: Graduation Requirements


The Board of Education believes setting high expectations for students will enable them to increase their capacities and further prepare them for college and career. The Board of Education acknowledges and accepts its duty to implement core standards for instruction and graduation requirements as outlined in Utah state law (See, Utah Code §53G-4-402). 

The Board of Education claims and exercises its authority to establish high expectations for students in the form of differentiated diplomas, programs of study, and additional credits beyond the State of Utah’s minimum requirements to encourage excellence and academic achievement. 

  1. The Board of Education exercises its statutory authority to determine courses and programs of study eligible for credit towards graduation.
  2. To assist secondary schools in establishing course catalog and credit guidelines in school handbooks for use by school administrators, counselors, and other guidance personnel to supervise granting of credit, qualification for graduation, participation in school activities, and course selection.
  3. The Board of Education authorizes the District Administration to develop Administrative Regulations consistent with this policy, subject to review and approval by the Board of Education.


To graduate from a North Sanpete School District high school, a student must:

  1. Earn credits designated by the Utah State Board of Education AND the North Sanpete Board of Education.
  2. Complete all graduation requirements prior to the beginning of the next school year.
  3. Meeting graduation requirements entitles a student to receive a diploma but does not necessarily entitle a student to participate in commencement.
  4. Commencement exercises are under the direction of and administered by the high school.


  1. Credit is awarded on the basis of a student’s participation, mastery of subject matter, and/or attainment of skills. Credit is granted for courses taken in grades 9-12, beginning in the summer prior to ninth grade.
  2. North Sanpete School District secondary schools will accept credit and grades awarded to a student by any public or private educational source that is accredited or recognized by the Utah State Office of Education, the current Accreditation Commission for Utah Secondary Schools or that is associated as a member of the International Council of School Accreditation Commissions. (Utah Admin. Code R277-705-3).

ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE: Policy V-02 was originally titled Student Discipline and was effective as of 9/14/1999. It was replaced by Policy V-03, titled Safe Schools and Student Discipline by Board vote on 4/17/2012.

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