Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

IV-66: Employee and Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines 

Policy Number: V-30 / IV-66
Effective Date: 07/17/2001
Revised Date: 05/18/2021

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Subject: Employee and Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy


Technology use is a valuable and necessary component of student learning, employee work and school/District communication. The District encourages employees and students to use district technology resources and/or services for educational purposes. Students and District employees shall use the District-issued technology resources and/or services primarily to support student learning and instruction and for communication among employees and between employees and parents. Incidental employee and student use of District-issued technology resources and/or services must not interfere with the education of students and shall always be consistent with the District Internet Acceptable Use Policy.

The information maintained on District technology devices or accounts, resources, and/or services is the District’s property. Students and employees do not have an expectation of privacy in their communications through District technology devices or accounts. The District reserves the right to monitor the information contained on District computers or accounts. Any use inconsistent with educational purposes shall be grounds for terminating the account, confiscating the information saved in the account, employee discipline, student discipline and/or limiting the employee’s or student’s use of District computer equipment, resources, and/or services.


The District utilizes internet filtering systems to assist in restricting access to internet sites containing material that is obscene, pornographic, or harmful to minors. Even though the District takes reasonable efforts to block this material, no filtering systems or technology will filter out all such material. It is the responsibility of the end user to maintain a high level of integrity to protect themselves and others from such inappropriate material. Parents and students are advised that some materials accessible via the internet may be inappropriate. As used herein, references to the terms “obscene,” “obscenity,” “pornographic,” “pornography,” “child pornography,” and “harmful to minors” are defined by applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and causes.

All users, including District employees, students, administrators and educational organizations that have access to District-owned technology resources, and/or services and District-authorized Internet access are subject to this policy and are expected to be familiar with the provisions.  This policy may be supplemented by more specific policies, administrative procedures, directives, and rules governing the day-to-day management and operation of District technology resources and services.



A. Privilege

1. The use of Internet and computer equipment is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use, including any violation of these conditions and rules, may result in cancellation of the privilege. The North Sanpete School and District Administration has the authority to determine appropriate use and the power to deny, revoke, suspend or close any user account at any time based upon its determination of inappropriate use by account holders or users.

2. The materials and products derived and/or produced from District technology resources and services and/or District technology device use are District property. 

3. Students in grades 7-12 may obtain an approved school e-mail account. Outside e-mail accounts such as Hotmail are not permitted or accessible using school technology devices.

4. Communications on District-issued devices or through District Internet access are accessible to school employees and parents where those communications are maintained as part of a student’s education record, in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), 34 CFR 99.

B. Acceptable Use Agreements and Training

1. All users shall access Internet and District-issued computer equipment and technology devices consistent with Federal and State law and the purposes, goals, and policies of the District.

2. The Acceptable Use Agreement must be signed by District employees (both licensed and unlicensed) prior to the first day of work in the District and annually thereafter.

3. The Acceptable Use Agreement must be signed by students and parent(s) upon enrollment in the District and annually in the first month of the school year thereafter. Following initial enrollment all students shall receive training at the beginning of each school year on internet safety, on this Policy and Policy VII - 35 "Mobile Computing and Storage Devices".

4. The District will provide students and employees with annual training on acceptable Internet use and the appropriate use of District-issued technology devices. The District will collaborate with District school community councils to provide education and awareness of safe technology utilization and digital citizenship for students and school personnel. The District may create subcommittees of community council and District staff members and/or partner with a non-profit entity to develop and provide this training.

5. Internet access shall be filtered and logged consistent with State Law.

C. Unacceptable Internet and District-issued Technology Use - The following are examples of unacceptable Internet and technology device uses. This list is not inclusive. A District network or technology device user must not intentionally:

1. Seek and/or acquire unauthorized access to computer of telecommunications networks.

2. Intercept communications intended for other persons.

3. Interfere with the operations of technology resources, and/or services including placing a computer virus on any computer system.

4. Create, store, send, or access or attempt to create, store, send or access sexually explicit, obscene, potentially damaging, dangerous, disruptive, or otherwise inappropriate materials, false or defamatory information or materials and personal or generalized attacks or harassment against individuals or groups of individuals.

5. Create, store, send, or access or attempt to create, store, send or access materials that offensively address age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, national origin, or disabilities of a person or a group of people.

6. Log in through another person’s account or attempt to access another user’s password or files.

7. Further any illegal act, including infringing on any intellectual property rights.

8. Download, upload, or distribute any files, software, or other material that is not specifically related to an educational project or is otherwise authorized by an appropriate school official.

9. Download, upload, or distribute any files, software, or other material in violation of copyright laws. 

10. Access, transmit or retransmit materials which promotes violence or advocates destruction of property including, but not limited to, access to information concerning the manufacture of destructive devices such as explosives, fireworks, smoke bombs, incendiary devices or the like.

11. View, use or send materials or information that violate state or federal law including pornographic or inappropriate images or language, materials that encourage others to violate the law, confidential information or copyrighted materials.

12. Sell or purchase illegal items or substances.

13. Obtain and/or use anonymous email sites or spam.

14. Commit or attempt to commit any willful act involving the use of the network which disrupts the operation of the network within the school district or any network connected to the Internet including the use or attempted use or possession of computer viruses.

15. Post personal contact information without express parental permission or about students or adults.

16. Delete, copy, modify or forge other users’ names, emails, files, or data; disguise one’s identity, impersonate other users, or send anonymous email, unless authorized by a school official.

17. Damage computer equipment or technology devices, files, data or the District network in any way.

18. Use any District technology device or personal device on school property to pursue “hacking,” internal or external to the District, or attempt to access information protected by state or federal laws.

19. Interfere with other users’ ability to access their account(s).

20. Disclose private password(s) to others.

21. Use the District network or Internet for commercial purposes.

22. Use the District network or Internet for personal financial gain, personal advertising, or personal promotion.

23. Engage in non-school related fundraising or activities such asSolicitation for religious, personal or political purposes.

24. Otherwise violate student code of conduct or any other policy through the use of the District network and/or District-issued accounts.

D. Monitoring System

1. The District monitors District computers or accounts internally, or may contract with a monitoring service provider to monitor the information contained on District computers or accounts, including communications from and to students and employees.

2. All such contracts will be entered into in accordance with the Utah Student Data and Privacy Protection Act, Utah Code, Title 53E, Chapter 9, Part 3 and FERPA.

3. The purpose of any monitoring system is to ensure compliance with this and other District policies, and state and federal law.

4. An alternate purpose of a monitoring system is to assure appropriate supports are in place for students whose communication contain information that could lead a reasonable person to believe the student is at risk of harm to themselves of or others. 

5. The use of a monitoring system does not impose an obligation on the District to monitor students’ and employees’ communications and information contained on District computers or accounts twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and students, employees, and parents should be aware that information reasonably suggesting a student is at risk of harm to self or others may not be received and addressed immediately. 

6. To the extent that a monitoring system in use by the District provides notifications of communications containing information that a student or employee may be at risk of harm to self or others, when a District employee receives and reviews such notification after hours, a District employee

7. The District will NOT do home visits after hours.

The above prohibitions are examples only; the District reserves the right:

  • To take immediate action regarding activities that use District-issued devices or Internet that create security and/or safety concerns for the District, District students, District employees, District schools or property or District network or technology resources and/or services.
  • To prohibit or terminate online activities that expend District resources that the District determines lack legitimate educational content or purpose.


A. General User Responsibilities

1. It is the responsibility of any user of District electronic resources to read, understand, and follow this policy. Users are expected to exercise reasonable judgment in interpreting the policy and examples in making decisions about the appropriate use of District electronic resources. Any person with questions regarding the application or meaning of the information in this policy should seek clarification from a District administrator. Use of District electronic resources constitutes acceptance of the terms of this policy and Acceptable Use Agreement.

2. Users shall not exceed the District- or supervisor-authorized access to the District network or other computer equipment, system performance, or data.

B. Administrator Responsibilities

1. An administrator is responsible for assuring that educators and students in the District under his control and supervision understand and abide by the Acceptable Use Agreement and Policy as stated in this document. If a District administrator has reason to believe that a user (educator or student) is misusing the system or violating any provision of this Agreement, the administrator may report the misuse to District Technology Department.

2. It is also the responsibility of the administrator to report any misuse of the system immediately to the District and law enforcement, if required by law.

3. Administrators will also immediately report to the District, parents, and law enforcement any information that leads the administrators to reasonably believe a student or employee is at risk of harming themselves or others.

4. Administrators are not responsible for monitoring information contained on District computers or accounts or communications from and to students and employees when the administrator is off contract hours.

5. If an administrator does receive and review after hours information that suggest a student or employee in the administrator’s building is at risk of harm to self or others, the administrator shall contact the student’s parents or law enforcement or both, but will not conduct further.

C. Educator/Employee Responsibilities

1. Educators/Employees who supervise students with access to District-owned technology resources and/or services shall be familiar with the District Acceptable Use Agreement and enforce its provisions.

2. It is the responsibility of District educators/employees to teach students with whom they work about safe and responsible use of the Internet and District owned technology.

3. Educators/Employees are responsible for monitoring students' use of electronic resources, and to intervene promptly if students are using them inappropriately.

4. Educators/Employees must assure that students read and act consistent with the District Acceptable Use Agreement and policy. If an educator/employee has reason to believe that a student is misusing the system, the educator/employee must report this activity to his/her direct administrator. Access and/or review of information or records by an educator or employee must take place consistent with District policy.

5. It is also the responsibility of the educator/employee to report any misuse of the system to the appropriate District administrator and/or to law enforcement, if required by law.

6. Educators/Employees are responsible for the security of their District-issued and personal electronic devices and equipment, files and passwords. Educators/Employees shall promptly notify the District of security problems. Educators/Employees with access to student records may not use, release, or share student records except as expressly authorized by federal and State law and District policy.

7. Educators/Employees have no expectation of privacy in files, disks, documents, etc. which were created in, entered in, stored in, downloaded from, or used on District equipment, technology, resources and/or services.

D. Student Responsibilities

1. Students have a personal and individual responsibility to learn about safe and responsible use of the Internet and District-issued devices.

2. Students are responsible to use District resources appropriately and consistent with this Agreement and District policy.

3. If a student misuses resources, the District may discontinue the student’s use of the District network, the Internet and/or District-issued devices.

4. The District may also take disciplinary action against the student, as appropriate and consistent with District policy.

5. Parents and students are advised that some materials accessible via the Internet may contain items that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or potentially offensive to some people. The District cannot guarantee that filtering software will, in all instances, successfully block access to all inappropriate materials.

6. Students have no expectation of privacy while using the District network, technology, resources and/or services.

7. The District has the right to monitor users' online activities if they are using District-provided Internet and/or District-issued or owned devices, and may do so through a contracted monitoring service provider. The District may access, review, copy, and store or delete any electronic communication or files and disclose them to school officials and law enforcement, if required by law.

8. Any stored copy of electronic communications or files become part of the student’s education record and is subject to the provisions of FERPA.


1. All users are expected to abide by generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to the following:

a. both staff and students must be polite, use appropriate language, and avoid abusive messages;

b. both staff and students must not engage in activities, which are prohibited under school/District Policy or State and Federal Law.

2. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to the authorities and could result in the immediate and permanent loss of user privileges and/or report to law enforcement.

3. Users should not reveal personal information.

4. Users must not use the network in such a way that they could disrupt the use of the network by other users.

5. Users should assume all communications and information accessible via the network to be public records or property.

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