Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

IV-48: Personnel Records Classified

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: IV–48
Effective Date: 08/25/1983
Revised Date: 

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Subject: Personnel Records – Classified


The Assistant Administrator/Personnel will keep a personnel file for each classified employee. Copies of all formal evaluations are to be placed in this file as well as other items which bear upon the employee's discharge of his/her duties. Such items may include license records, transcripts, recommendations, commendations, and the records of disciplinary proceedings. The file should be considered confidential and discretion shall be used in the handling of the employee's personal record.


  1. The Assistant Administrator/Personnel will notify the employee of the additions of any materials to his/her personal file.
  2. The employee may include a written response to any materials in his/her file.
  3. The employee may also submit materials for placement in the file.
  4. The personal file of an employee may be open to review by the employee upon written request to the Superintendent or the Assistant Administrator/Personnel.
  5. Upon the employee's request, materials from this file will be provided to a representative so designated by the employee such as an association representative, legal representative, etc.
  6. Materials in the file which are more than five years old may be removed upon the employee's request.
  7. The principal may also keep a file for each employee. The provisions of the guidelines of this personnel policy will also apply to the principal's file.

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