Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

IV-38: Special Paid Leave of Absence

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: IV-38
Effective Date: 02/10/1998
Revised Date: 04/18/2023

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Subject: Special Paid Leave of Absence


This Special Paid Leave is a privilege and not a right. At the discretion of the Building Principal or Department Supervisor, employees may be granted special

paid leave.


  1. Leave to care for necessary civic or church responsibilities and leave due to valid family emergencies as approved by the Building Principal or Department Supervisor.
  2. Personnel who are serving in these civic and church positions must recognize that their primary responsibility is to the North Sanpete School District.
  3. This special paid leave is limited to no more than 3 days per school year (excepting Jury Duty) and is not cumulative. This leave will be subtracted from the employee's accumulated sick leave benefits except in the case of Jury Duty for which no days will be subtracted.
  4. Requests for special paid leave must be submitted to the principal or department supervisor for their recommendation on a district leave form.
  5. Special paid leave will not be granted for days immediately prior to or following vacation or holidays, except in cases of emergency. In case there is a question regarding the emergency the Director of Human Resources (HR) will make the decision.
  6. Special paid leave will not be granted when, in the opinion of the building principal or department supervisor, such a leave will create hardships for students or other employees.
  7. It is recognized that there may be emergency and extenuating circumstances which have not been described in the above policy and in these cases the Director of Human Resources (HR) may decide to grant special paid leave benefits.
  8. Due process appeals will be handled by a district office official.

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