Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed


Creating Conditions for Learning So All Students Can Succeed

Lucky Duck Recipients

IV-17 Transfer of Employees

North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............

Board Policy with Guidelines

Policy Number: IV–17
Effective Date: 02/14/1989
Revised Date: 11/17/2020

PDF Download (Policy)

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Subject: Transfer of Employees


In the facilitation of its efforts to provide for the children of the district the best educational program possible, the Board of Education must enjoy maximum flexibility in the transfer and reassignment of employees. Therefore, the Board reserves to itself complete authority for the transfer and reassignment of its employees.


  1. Whenever a vacancy occurs in a school during the school year because of the resignation or retirement of an employee, the district administration shall hire a temporary replacement to complete the school year. At the end of the school year, the position will be reopened so current employees in the district may activate a transfer application for the position.
  2. Whenever a vacancy is announced for the following school year, the district administration shall post a notice of such a vacancy to employees through e-mail and online for a period of three working days. If after all “in-district” transfers are considered and a suitable candidate is not found, the hiring of a teacher or classified personnel policies will be enacted.
  3. Current employees who have an interest in the vacancy shall be invited to make an application for transfer using the Transfer Request Application form online or at the district office. Three conditions for transfer will be considered. First, the needs of the district. Second, the qualifications of the employee(s) involved. Third, the expressed desire of the employee. If all three conditions are met, the transfer may be made. If not, priority for transfer will be based on the criteria in the order listed above. In the case where there are two employees that meet all three conditions, interviews will be held.
  4. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, an employee may be involuntarily transferred from one school to another. This must be done in good faith and good reason based upon actual conditions.
  5. Transfers are not covered under the Grievance Policy but may be appealed to the Superintendent.

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