III-12: School Principals
North Sanpete School District
Statement of .............
Board Policy with Guidelines
Policy Number: III-12
Effective Date: 12/16/1982
Revised Date:
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School Principals
School principals shall:
- Have primary responsibility for educational leadership in the school to which assigned. As chief administrative officer of the school and supervisor of its instructional program, he shall provide the leadership in creating an environment conducive to skillful creative teaching and optimum learning. In recognition of the value of the team approach, supervision should be identified through encouragement and support of the instructional program allowing opportunity for teacher growth and development.
- Be the administrative authority in the school within the limits of the law, Board regulations and instructions from the superintendent.
- Inform the staff of school regulations as they are enacted by the Board of Education.
- Keep the superintendent, appropriate assistant administrator and other administrative officers fully advised as to the conditions and needs of the school.
- Make regular and thorough inspections accounting for the school properties, and shall be responsible to the superintendent for these properties.
- Be responsible for assisting the administrative assistant, curriculum/personnel in appraising, developing and evaluating the school curriculum and in planning, adapting and scheduling the courses of study for the students.
- Be responsible for taking all reasonable precautions to safeguard the health and general well-being of the staff and of the students in the school during school hours. Shall provide for the safety and care of children in case of fire, storm, or other sudden danger to the school plant and shall see that the students and teachers are adequately trained to carry out such plans during these occurrences.
- Be responsible for organizing the resources of the school to provide supervision of playground activities 30 minutes prior to school, during school, and after the last bus leaves after school, the lunch room program, and the noon hour, in the best interests of the students and the staff.
- Be responsible for discipline procedures used and report to the superintendent or his delegated authority any irregular types of punishment disapproved by Board policy.
- Make recommendations for teacher dismissal within the school.
- As required, evaluate and report the efficiency of each member of the instructional staff in the school in accordance with an established plan of teacher evaluation.
- Assist in the development of the school budget and keep such business records and execute such business forms as may be required.
- Be responsible for ordering approved supplies, textbooks, equipment, and all materials necessary to the operation of the school.
- Be responsible for the administration of a system of accounting of all monies from student activities, cafeterias, student fees or fines, entertainments, gifts and from any student group within the school. This accounting shall be in accord with a central plan of accounts and carried out under the supervision of the superintendent or his delegated authority.
- Report immediately, in full and in writing, to the administrative offices any infringement of district property rights within the school or any injury to any pupil or member of the staff that may occur at a time or place wherein the rights or responsibilities of the schools may be involved.
- Process complaints concerning the school, investigate these complaints and refer to the area assistant administrator cases, which the principal cannot adjust satisfactorily.
- Be responsible for the direction and supervision of the professional, classified and hourly staff working within the school building and to provide annual evaluations for each member.
- Be responsible for good public relations with community groups, including the Parent-Teacher Association and other professional organizations and for utilizing fully the community and professional resources to enrich the learning program.
- Report to the appropriate assistant administrator any need for extended absence from school and the name of the person appointed to act in the absence of the principal.
- Perform other duties as may be assigned by the superintendent of schools.
- In accordance with policies, rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Education, be responsible for the detailed organization of the program of the school, for the assignment of duties to staff members and for the administration of the instructional program for the regular school year and during the extended summer program.
- Shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the school building.
- Shall report all emergencies to the superintendent or the assistant administrator for operations.
- Shall be responsible for the safety of the physical facilities.
- Shall conduct, in the presence of the custodian, a monthly building inspection. Both the custodian and the principal must sign the inspection report and submit this report to the assistant administrator, operations, by the first of the succeeding month.
- All needed repairs shall be reported in writing to the assistant administrator, operations.
- Shall take special care with all new employees in providing them with sufficient information for them to complete their jobs. New teachers shall be assigned to a buddy teacher to assist the new teacher to understand the school procedures and policies.